Intelligent User Interfaces Reading List

See the class homepage for more information on the class.

See the discussant list to see the schedule of presentations about the readings.

Approximate Schedule (Subject to Change)

class 1: (Aug. 19) Class Overview, Introductions, AI Methods and User Interface Issues, Types of IUIs (slides)

class 2: (Aug. 21) Role of Human vs. Role of Computer (slides)
"Beyond Intelligent Interfaces: analyzing ... success models of cooperative problem solving", G. Fischer & B. Reeves

class 3: (Aug. 23) Sciences of the Artificial, Herb Simon (Prefaces, Chapter 1-2) (slides)

class 4: (Aug. 26) Sciences of the Artificial, Herb Simon (Chapter 3-4) (slides)

class 5: (Aug. 28) Project Discussion Day (slides)
Discussion of class projects, expectation, time to form project teams

class 6: (Aug. 30) Sciences of the Artificial, Herb Simon (Chapter 5-6) (slides)

class 7: (Sept. 4) Project Formation/Discussion Time
Finalize project team membership if needed and projects will have time for discussion to plan for following week's presentations.

class 8: (Sept. 6) Sciences of the Artificial, Herb Simon (Chapter 7-8) (slides)

class 9: (Sept. 9) Human-Machine Reconfigurations, Lucy Suchman (Preface, Introduction, Chapters 1-4) (slides) and (slides)

class 10: (Sept. 11) Project Updates (slides)
Each project will give a progress report to the class explaining their topic, including identifying the users and a task analysis of the supported activity.

class 11: (Sept. 13) Human-Machine Reconfigurations, Lucy Suchman (Chapters 5-6) (slides)

class 12: (Sept. 16) Human-Machine Reconfigurations, Lucy Suchman (Chapters 7-10) (slides)

class 13: (Sept. 18) Project Activity: Related Work Discussion (slides)

class 14: (Sept. 20) Human-Machine Reconfigurations, Lucy Suchman (Chapters 11-15) (slides)

class 15: (Sept. 23) User Modeling and Adaptive Systems
"An IP Continuum for Adaptive Interface Design", C. Isbell and J. Pierce (discussion slides)
"Recognizing User Interest and Document Value from Reading and Organizing Activities in Document Triage", R. Badi et al. (slides)

class 16: (Sept. 25) Project Activity: Design Alternatives (slides)

class 17: (Sept. 27) Mixed-Initiative Interfaces (slides)
"Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces", E. Horvitz (summary slides) (discussion slides)
"Models of attention in computing and communication: from principles to applications", E. Horvitz, C. Kadie, T. Paek, and D. Hovel (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 18: (Sept. 30) Recommendations (slides)
"Recommending targeted strangers from whom to solicit information on social media", J. Mahmud, M. Zhou, N. Megiddo, J. Nichols, and C. Drews (summary slides) (discussion slides)
"TagFlip: Active Mobile Music Discovery with Social Tags", M. Kamalzadeh, C. Kralj, T. Moeller, M. Sedlmair (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 19: (Oct. 2) Project Presentations (slides)
Each project will give a progress report to the class presenting an initial design and implementation plan.

class 20: (Oct. 4) The Problem of Capturing Human Knowledge
Capturing Expert Knowledge for Building Enterprise SME Knowledge Graphs, M. Mansfield, V. Tamma, P. Goddard, and F. Coenen (summary slides)
"Which Semantic Web?", C. Marshall and F. Shipman (slides)

class 21: (Oct. 9) Project Activity: Tasks and Team (slides)

class 22: (Oct. 11) Acting on Inferred Structure
On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?, E. Bender, T. Gebru, A. McMillan-Major, and S. Shmitchell
"Identifying Useful Passages in Documents based on Annotation Patterns", F. Shipman, M. Price, C. Marshall, and G. Golovchinsky (slides)

class 23: (Oct. 14) Education
"Improving Inquiry-Driven Modeling in Science Education through Interaction with Intelligent Tutoring Agents", D. Joyner and A. Goel (summary slides) (discussion slides)
"Prediction of Users' Learning Curves for Adaptation while Using an Information Visualization", S. Lalle, D. Toker, C. Conati, and G. Carenini (summary slides)

class 24: (Oct. 16) Project Activity: Overview of Evaluation Methods (replacing Where is the Intelligence?) (slides)

class 25: (Oct. 18) Trends: Data Science and Machine Learning
Trends and Trajectories for Explainable, Accountable and Intelligible Systems: An HCI Research Agenda, A Abdul, J. Vermeulen, D. Wang, B. Lim, and M. Kankanhalli (summary slides) (discussion slides)
AnchorViz: Facilitating Classifier Error Discovery through Interactive Semantic Data Exploration, N.-C. Chen, J. Suh, J. Verwey, G. Ramos, S. Drucker, and P. Simard (discussion slides)

class 26: (Oct. 21) Machine Learning Interfaces
Gamut: A Design Probe to Understand How Data Scientists Understand Machine Learning Models, F. Hohman, A. Head, R. Caruana, R. DeLine, and S. Drucker (summary slides) (discussion slides)
ATMSeer: Increasing Transparency and Controllability in Automated Machine Learning, Q. Wang, Y. Ming, Z. Jin, Q. Shen, D. Liu, M. Smith, K. Veeramachaneni, and H. Qu (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 27: (Oct. 23) Project Activity: Individual Project Goals/Status (slides)

class 28: (Oct. 25) Explainable AI
The effects of example-based explanations in a machine learning interface, C. Cai, J. Jongejan, and J. Holbrook (discussion slides)
Explaining models: an empirical study of how explanations impact fairness judgment, J. Dodge, Q.V. Liao, Y. Zhang, R. Bellamy, and C. Dugan (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 29: (Oct. 28) Presentation Generation and Interface Agents (slides)
"Dynamic Dramatization of Multimedia Story Presentations", N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, and P. Tsanakas (summary slides) (discussion slides)
"Presenting through Performing: On the Use of Multiple Lifelike Characters in Knowledge-Based Presentation Systems", E. Andre and T. Rist (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 30: (Oct. 30) Project Presentations (slides)
Each project will give a progress report to the class presenting a status report on what has been done (with screenshots) and what is left to do

class 31: (Nov. 1) Class Cancelled -- Use the time to work on your projects!

class 32: (Nov. 4) Conversational Agents (slides)
Predicting User Intents and Satisfaction with Dialogue-based Conversational Recommendations, W. Cai and L. Chen
Use of Intelligent Voice Assistdants by Older Adults with Low Technology Use, A. Pradhan, A. Lazar, and L. Findlater (summary slides)

class 33: (Nov. 6) Project Activity: Evaluation Plan (slides)

class 34: (Nov. 8) Interacting with/through Other Media
"Dynamic text management for see-through wearable and heads-up display systems", J. Orlosky, K. Kiyokawa, and H. Takemura (summary slides) (discussion slides)
"DOTS: Support for Effective Video Surveillance", A. Girgensohn, D. Kimber, J. Vaughan, T. Yang, F. Shipman, T. Turner, E. Rieffel, L. Wilcox, F. Chen, and T. Dunnigan (slides)

class 35: (Nov. 11) "End-user programming of mashups with vegemite", J. Lin, J. Wong, J. Nichols, A. Cypher, and T. Lau (summary slides)
"Creating interactive web data applications with spreadsheets", K. Chang and B. Myers (summary slides)
"Cohort Comparison of Event Sequences with Balanced Integration of Visual Analytics and Statistics", S. Malik, F. Du, M. Monroe, E. Onukwagha, C. Plaisant, and B. Shneiderman (summary slides)

class 36: (Nov. 13) Project Activity: The Whole Story (slides)

class 37: (Nov. 15) Mashups, Programming by Demonstration, and Data Applications
"Building data integration queries by demonstration", R. Tuchinda, P. Szekely, and C. Knoblock
IUIs in the Physical World
"SpiderEyes: designing attention- and proximity-aware collaborative interfaces for wall-sized displays", J. Dostal, U. Hinrichs, P.O. Kristensson, and A. Quigley (summary slides)
PlushPal: Storytelling with Interactive Plush Toys and Machine Learning, T. Tseng, Y. Murai, N. Freed, D. Gelosi, T.D. Ta, and Y. Kawahara (summary slides) (discussion slides)

class 38: (Nov. 18) (slides)
Reflections On the Appropriateness of AI in Human Tasks
Appropriate Reliance on AI Advice: Conceptualization and the Effect of Explanations, M. Schemmer, N. Kuehl, C. Benz, A. Bartos, and G. Satzger (summary slides)
Talk with Machines, Redux, L. Suchman (summary slides)

class 39: (Nov. 20) Project Activity: What is Left (slides)

class 40: (Nov. 22) Final Project Presentations

  • Job Seekers
  • Code Insight (slides)
  • SNOOZE (slides)
  • Game Recommender
  • class 41: (Nov. 25) Final Project Presentations

  • IntelliCrew
  • Intellifish
  • Intelligent Advisor
  • The Doctor is (In)
  • class 42: (Dec. 2) Final Project Presentations

  • HelloPentagon
  • The Cashiers
  • CrashLanding