James Caverlee

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University
[my_last_name] 'at' tamu.edu

Industry engagement: Google DeepMind Visiting Researcher

About Me: I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. My research focuses on connecting people to information, with an emphasis on algorithms and systems that are trustworthy, resilient, and responsible. Recently, our lab has been investigating conversational systems and large language models, recommendation algorithms with an emphasis on fairness and bias, plus many other aspects of machine learning and personalization. My work has been supported by an NSF CAREER award, an AFOSR Young Investigator Award, a DARPA Young Faculty Award, and grants from Google, Amazon, AFOSR, DARPA, and the NSF. I am honored to have received the 2022 SIGIR Test of Time Award Honorable Mention, the 2020 CIKM Test of Time Award, plus several departmental and college-level teaching awards. In 2020, I was the General Co-Chair of WSDM 2020.

Recent News:

  • Keynote Speaker, 3rd Workshop on Ethical Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications (EAI@ KDD 2024)
  • Panelist, First Workshop on Generative AI for Recommender Systems and Personalization (GenAI@ KDD2024)
umm ...
Or you may prefer: chilling, summertime, quarantine haircut, chilling out (pic by Hongning Wang), Wampa attack, thinking, coffee, guitar, Korean, bike, canoe, rainy, Gandalf, GRRM, dunno, younger me, fancy me, or collaborating (pic by Hongning Wang).


See also my publications at DBLP, Google Scholar, and at Semantic Scholar. 2007 and earlier


Current and Former PhD Students

Current and Former MS Students

Current and Former Undergrads


Courses at Texas A&M

Other Teaching Experience

Service (not updated)
