Selected Publications:

Google Scholar Citations


  1. F. Richard Yu, Xi Zhang, and Victor C.M. Leung, "Green Communications and Networking," First Edition, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9913-7, New York, USA, January 2012.

  2. Xi Zhang, Daji Qiao, "Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Networks "2012th Edition, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-29221-7, London, UK, May 4, 2012.


Book Chapters:

  1. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Cognitive-Radio Based 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," First Edition, "Handbook of Cognitive Radio", Springer, ISBN: 978-981-10-1389-8, New York, USA, April 2017.

  2. Xi Zhang and Wenchi Cheng, "Wireless Networks Resources Trading for QoS Performance Guaranteed Green Communications," First Edition, "Green Communications and Networking", CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9913-7, New York, USA, pp. 27-58, January 2012.

  3. Xi Zhang and Hang Su, "CREAM-MAC Cognitive Radio-Enabled Multi-Channel MAC for Wireless Networks," First Edition, "Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-6171-6, New York, USA, pp. 129-158, July 2010.

Journal Papers:

  1. Zhian Chen, Fei Wang, and Xi Zhang, "Joint Optimization for Cooperative Service-Caching, Computation-Offloading, and Resource-Allocations Over EH/MEC 6G Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), Vol. 72, No. 7, November 2024, accepted to appear.

  2. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Neyman-Pearson Criterion Driven NFV-SDN Architectures and Optimal Resource-Allocations for Statistical-QoS Based mURLLC Over Next-Generation Metaverse Mobile Networks Using FBC," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 570-587, March 2024.

  3. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Multi-Tier Caching for Statistical-QoS Driven Digital Twins Over mURLLC-Based 6G Massive-MIMO Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Siginal Processing (J-STSP), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 34-49, January 2024.

  4. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "AI-Enabled Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Architectures for Customized Statistical QoS Over 6G Massive MIMO Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 30-37, March/April 2023.

  5. Yuedong Li, Fei Wang, Xi Zhang, and Songtao Guo, "IRS-Based MEC for Delay-Constrained QoS Over RF-Powered 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Vol. 72, No. 7, pp. 8722-8737, July 2023.

  6. Xi Zhang, Jiingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Joint Optimizations of IRS and UAV-Trajectory for Supporting Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Over mURLLC-Driven 6G Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (VTM), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 55-63, June 2022.

  7. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "AoI-Driven Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for mURLLC Over UAV-Multimedia 6G Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 39, No. 11, pp. 3425-3443, November 2021.

  8. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Optimal Resource Allocations for Statistical QoS Provisioning to Support mURLLC Over FBC-EH-Based 6G THz Wireless Nano-Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1544-1560, June 2021.

  9. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for mURLLC Over 6G CF M-MIMO Mobile Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 652-667, March 2021.

  10. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning Over MmWave Cell-Free M-MIMO and FBC-HARQ-IR Based 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 1661-1677, August 2020.

  11. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for SWIPT Over CF M-MIMO 6G Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Vol. 15, No. 5, 1272-1287, August 2021.

  12. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocations for Polarization-Enabled Multiple-Access Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks With Energy Harvesting Capability," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, No. 11, November 2021.

  13. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Joint Optimization for Traffic-Offloading and Resource-Allocation Over RF-Powered Backscatter Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Vol. 15, No. 5, 1127-1142, August 2021.

  14. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Cooperative MIMO-OFDM Based Exposure-Path Prevention Over 3D Clustered Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 4-18, January 2020.

  15. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocation for Polarization-Based Non-Linear Energy Harvesting Over 5G Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Accepted to appear in 2020.

  16. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Heterogeneous Statistical-QoS Driven Resource Allocation Over MmWave Massive-MIMO Based 5G Mobile Wireless Networks in the Non-Asymptotic Regime," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 2727-2743, December 2019.

  17. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "An Efficient Symbol Timing Scheme for OFDM Systems Using Optimal Correlation-Based Circular-Shifted Preamble," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Accepted to appear in 2019.

  18. Honghai Wu, Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Vbargain: A Market-Driven Quality Oriented Incentive for Mobile Video Offloading," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 2203-2216, September 2019.

  19. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Information-Centric Virtualization for Software-Defined Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Multimedia Big Data Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 1721-1738, August 2019.

  20. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Scalable Virtualization and Offloading Based Software-Defined Architecture for Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 2787-2804, December 2018.

  21. Xi Zhang and Fei Wang, "Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transmission Over Full-Duplex OFDMA/NOMA Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 327-344, February 2019.

  22. Xi Zhang, Wenchi Cheng, and Hailin Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Airborne Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 36, No. 9, October 2018, pp. 2139-2152, September 2018.

  23. Xianhao Chen, Gang Liu, Zhen Ma, Xi Zhang, Pingzhi Fan, Shanzhi Chen, and Richard Yu, "When Full Duplex Wireless Meets Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access: Opportunities and Challenges," IEEE Wirelesss Communications Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 148-155, August 2019.

  24. Xianhao Chen, Gang Liu, Zhen Ma, Xi Zhang, Weiqiang Xu, and Pingzhi Fan, "Optimal Power Allocations for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Over 5G Full/Half-Duplex Relaying Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wirelesss Communications, Vol 18, No. 1, pp. 77-92, January 2019.

  25. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Heterogeneous QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Massive-MIMO Based Big-Data Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Vol. 4, Accepted to appear in 2018.

  26. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Collaborative Learning Based D2D Caching for Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Big Data Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, November 2018, Accepted to appear in 2018.

  27. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Hierarchical Caching for Statistical QoS Guaranteed Multimedia Transmissions Over 5G Edge-Computing Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Commumnications Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 12-20, June 2018.

  28. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Game-Theory Based Power and Spectrum Virtualization for Optimizing Spectrum Efficiency in Mobile Cloud-Computing Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 5, Accepted to appear in 2017.

  29. Fei Wang, Songtao Guo, Bin Xiao, Yuanyuan Yang, and Xi Zhang, "Resource Allocation and Admission Control for an Energy Harvesting Cooperative OFDMA Network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Accepted to appear in 2017.

  30. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Information-Centric Virtualization Driven Software-Defined Architecture for Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Next Generation Multimedia Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Accepted to appear in 2015.

  31. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Statistical-QoS Driven Energy-Efficiency Optimization Over Green 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 3092-3107, December 2016.

  32. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Optimal Power Allocation With Statistical QoS Provisioning for D2D and Cellular Communications Over Underlaying Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 151-162, January 2016.

  33. Bassem Khalf, Bechir Hamdaoui, Mahdi Ben Ghorbel, Mohsen Guizani, Xi Zhang, and Nizar Zorba, "Optimizing Joint Data and Power Transfer in Energy Harvesting Multiuser Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 10989-11000, December 2017.

  34. Xi Zhang, Wenchi Cheng, and Hailin Zhang, "Full-Duplex Transmission in PHY and MAC Layers for 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 112-121, October 2015.

  35. Xi Zhang, Wenchi Cheng, and Hailin Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 46-53, November/December 2014.

  36. Chengchao Liang, Richard Yu, and Xi Zhang, "Information-Centric Network Function Virtualization Over 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 29, April/May 2015.

  37. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Full-Duplex Spectrum-Sensing and MAC-Protocol for Multichannel Non-Time-Slotted Cognitive Radio Networks,"' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 32, No. 11, November 2014.

  38. Xi Zhang and Jia Tang, "Power-Delay Tradeoff Over Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 3673-3684, September 2013.

  39. Xi Zhang, Jun-Hong Cui, Santanu Das, Mario Gerla, and Mandar Chitre, "Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks: Theory and Application: Part 2," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 2, Febuary 2016.

  40. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "QoS-Aware Power Allocations for Maximizing Effective Capacity Over Virtual-MIMO Wireless Networks,"' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 2043-2057, October 2013.

  41. Xi Zhang, Jun-Hong Cui, Santanu Das, Mario Gerla, and Mandar Chitre, "Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks: Theory and Application: Part 1," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 40-41, November 2015.

  42. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Percolation Theory Based Exposure-Path Prevention for Wireless Sensor Networks Coverage in Internet of Things," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 3625-3636, October 2013.

  43. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Joint Spectrum and Power Efficiencies Optimization for Statistical QoS Provisionings Over SISO/MIMO Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 903-915, May 2013.

  44. Weiping Wang, Xiaozhuan Chen, Mingming Lu, Jianxin Wang, Xi Zhang, and Jie Wu, "Code Pruning in Opportunistic Routing through Bidirectional Coding Traffic Comparison," Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, August 2014.

  45. Xi Zhang and Ping Wang, "Optimal Tradeoff between Power Saving and QoS Provisioning for Multicell Cooperation Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 90-96, February 2013.

  46. Yi Liu, Shengli Xie, Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Xi Zhang, and Chau Yuen, "Exploiting Temporal and Spatial Diversities for Spectrum Sensing and Access in Cognitive Vehicular Networks," Whiley's Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, March 2014.

  47. Xi Zhang, Jiangzhou Wang, and Yi Qian, "Advances in Cooperative Wireless Networking: Part - II," IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2012.

  48. Yiqing Zhou, Fumiyuki Adachi, Xiaodong Wang, Athanassions Manikas, Xi Zhang, and Weiping Zhu, "Broadband Wireless Communications for High Speed Vehicles," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 30, No. 4, May 2012.

  49. Xi Zhang and Jia Tang, "QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Parallel Fading Channels With Imperfect Channel Feedback Information in Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear in 2012.

  50. Zhuofan Liao, Jianxin Wang, Shigeng Zhang, and Xi Zhang, "A Deterministic Sensor Placement Scheme for Full Coverage and Connectivity without Boundary Effect in Wireless Sensor Networks," Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 10, pp. 1-25, 2012.

  51. Jianxin Wang, Zhixiong Liu, Shigeng Zhang, and Xi Zhang, "Defending Collaborative False Data Injection Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks," Elsevier Journal on Information Sciences, Vol. 254, pp. 39-53, January 2013.

  52. Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Control and Reconfiguration of Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks for Dynamic Multi-Target Tracking," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 2429-2444, October 2011.

  53. Xi Zhang and Hang Su, "Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing Schemes for CDMA-Based Uplink MAC in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 716-730, April 2011.

  54. Xi Zhang, Jiangzhou Wang, and Yi Qian, "Advances in Cooperative Wireless Networking: Part - I," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 54, May 2011.

  55. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Aware Base-Station Selections for Distributed MIMO Links in Broadband Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1123-1138, June 2011.

  56. Xi Zhang and Hang Su, "CREAM-MAC: Cognitive Radio-EnAbled Multi-Channel MAC Protocol Over Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 110-123, February 2011.

  57. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS Provisionings for Wireless Unicast/Multicast of Multi-Layer Video Streams," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 420-433, April 2010 (Received IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications BEST PAPER AWARD Candidate Paper).

    (This paper received IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications BEST PAPER AWARD Candidate Paper)

  58. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma "Coverage Analysis for Target Localization in Camera Sensor Networks," John Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Accepted to appear 2010,

  59. Xi Zhang and Hang Su, "Network Coding Based Scheduling and Routing Schemes for Service-Oriented Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 40-46, August 2009.

  60. Jiangzhou Wang, Mingxi Fan, Xiaohu You, Xi Zhang, Hui Liu, and Eckehard Steinbach, "Wireless Video Transmissions," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 297, April, 2010.

  61. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Optimal Nodes Selection for Target Localization in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 59, No. 7, pp. 3562-3576, September, 2010.

  62. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Modeling Throughput Gain of Network Coding in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 593-605, June 2009.

  63. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Battery-Dynamics Driven TDMA MAC Protocols for Wireless Body-Area Monitoring Networks in Healthcare Applications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 424-434, May 2009.

  64. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "A Cross-Layer Framework for Multi-Layer-Video Multicast with QoS Requirements in Multirate Wireless Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 13, No. 9, September 2009, pp. 558-660.

  65. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Localization-Oriented Coverage in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 484-494, February 2011.

  66. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Based Opportunistic MAC Protocols for QoS Provisionings Over Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 118--129, January 2008 (Received IEEE Communications Society BEST READINGS, receiving the top citation rate, Paper).

    (This paper receives IEEE Communications Society BEST READINGS PAPER, receiving the highest citation rate among IEEE Transactions/Journal papers in the area)

  67. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Modeling for Quality of Service Guarantees Over Wireless Links," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 4504--4512, December 2007.

  68. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Quality-of-Service Driven Power and Rate Adaptation for Multichannel Communications Over Wireless Links," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 4349--4360, December 2007.

  69. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer-Model Based Adaptive Resource Allocation for Statistical QoS Guarantees in Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 2318--2328, June 2008.

  70. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Quality-of-Service Driven Power and Rate Adaptation Over Wireless Links," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 3058--3068, August 2007.

  71. Xi Zhang and Qinghe Du, "Cross-Layer Modeling for QoS-Driven Multimedia Multicast/Broadcast Over Fading Channels in Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 62--70, August 2007.

  72. Xi Zhang and Hang Su, "An Efficient Single-Transceiver CDMA-Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Accepted to appear 2012.

  73. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Over Wireless Relay Networks for Quality of Service Provisioning," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 645--657, May 2007 (Received IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications BEST PAPER AWARD Candidate Paper).

    (This paper received IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications BEST PAPER AWARD Candidate Paper)

  74. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Clustering-Based Multi-Channel MAC Protocols for QoS-Provisionings Over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 3309--3323, November 2007.

  75. Xi Zhang, Jia Tang, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "Space-Time Diversity-Enhanced QoS Provisioning for Real-Time Service Over MC-DS-CDMA Based Wireless Networks," Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 8, pp. 733-744, June 2007.

  76. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Power Control for Downlink Multiuser Communications Over Parallel Fading Channels in Wireless Networks," ACM/Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications, Accepted and to appear, 2007.

  77. Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Xi Zhang, and Wen Xu, ``Next Generation CDMA vs. OFDMA for 4G Wireless Applications," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 3, June 2007.

  78. Xi Zhang and Qinghe Du, "Adaptive Low-Complexity Erasure-Correcting Code Based Protocols for QoS-Driven Mobile Multicast Services Over Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 1633--1647, September 2006.

  79. Xi Zhang, Hang Su, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "Cluster-Based Multi-Channel Communications Protocols in Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 44--51, October 2006.

  80. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Transmit Selection Diversity with Maximal-Ratio Combining for Multicarrier DS-CDMA Wireless Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 104--112, January, 2006.

  81. Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Yu-Ching Yeh, Xi Zhang, Aiping Huang, Yang Yang, Jie Li, Yang Xiao, Hamid Sharif, and A. J. Han Vinck, "Generalized Pairwise Complementary Codes with Set-Wise Uniform Interference-Free Windows,'' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 65--74, January, 2006.

  82. Xi Zhang and Jia Tang, "QoS-Driven Asynchronous Uplink Subchannel Allocation Algorithms for Space-Time OFDM-CDMA Systems in Wireless Networks," ACM/Kluwer Journal of Wireless Networks (WINET), Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 411--425, May 2006.

  83. Xi Zhang, Jia Tang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Song Ci, and Mohsen Guizani, "Cross-Layer Based Modeling for Quality of Service Guarantees in Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 100-106, January, 2006.

  84. Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin, "Markov-Chain Modeling for Multicast Signaling Delay Analysis," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 667--680, August 2004.

  85. Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin, "Performance Analysis of Feedback-Synchronization Signaling for Multicast Flow Control," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 436--450, June 2003.

  86. Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Debanjan Saha, and Dilip Kandlur "Scalable Flow Control for Multicast ABR Services in ATM Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 67--85, February 2002.

Conference Papers:

  1. Yujie Su, Fei Wang, and Xi Zhang, "Meta-Learning-Based STAR-RIS for Dynamic Multi-Mobile-User Downlink Communications Over 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2025, Montreal, Canada, June 8-12, 2025.

  2. Guohao Pang and Xi Zhang, "Integrating AirComp With ISAC Over Federated-Learning 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2025, Montreal, Canada, June 8-12, 2025.

  3. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical Security-QoS Guaranteed mURLLC Over 6G Massive-MIMO Mobile Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2025, Montreal, Canada, June 8-12, 2025.

  4. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Integrated Sensing and Communications for Statistical-QoS Provisioning Over 6G M-MIMO Mobile Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, Denver, Colorado, June 6-14, 2024.

  5. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for RSMA Based 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, Denver, Colorado, June 6-14, 2024.

  6. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Hierarchical Caching for Digital Twins Communications Over mURLLC-Based 6G Distributed-Computing Mobile Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2024, Jersey City, New Jersey, July 24-27, 2024.

  7. Jaojie Wang, Fei Wang, Xi Zhang, and Yuanyuan Yang, "Joint Optimizations for Double-IRS' Cooperative Positioning and Beamforming Over Massive-MIMO-AP Based 6G Secure Mobile Networks," IEEE GLOBAL Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, December 8 - 12, 2024. (Received IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 Best Paper Award)

  8. (This paper received IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 Best Paper Award)

  9. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Powering for Statistical-QoS Provisioning Over 6G Massive-MIMO Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, Denver, Colorado, June 6-14, 2024.

  10. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "ISAC-Driven Channel-State-Estimation for Statistical-QoS Based MURLLC Over 6G M-MIMO Mobile Networks Using FBC," IEEE GLOBAL Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, December 8 - 12, 2024.

  11. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Powering for Statistical-QoS Provisioning Over Next-Generation Massive-MIMO Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 58th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2024, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 14-17, 2024.

  12. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Federated Learning Based Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Powering Over 6G Massive-MIMO Mobile Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2024, DeepWireless, Vancouver, Canada, May 20-May 23, 2024.

  13. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical Security-QoS Provisioning for mURLLC Over Massive-MIMO Based 6G Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2024, Washington, D.C., USA, October 28 - November 1, 2024.

  14. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "IRS/UAV-Based Edge-Computing and Traffic-Offloading Over 6G THz Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023, Rome, Italy, May 28 - June 01, 2023.

  15. Shuming Yi, Fei Wang, and Xi Zhang, "Hybrid Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Active-IRS-Enabled Rate Maximization Over UAV-Based Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2023, Boston, MA, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2023.

  16. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Federated Learning Based Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Powering Over 6G Massive-MIMO Mobile Networks," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2024 - DeepWireless, Vancouver, Canada, May 20-23, 2024.

  17. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Integrated Sensing and Communications for Statistical-QoS Provisioning Over 6G M-MIMO Mobile Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024, Denver, Colorado, June 6-14, 2024.

  18. Zhian Chen, Fei Wang, and Xi Zhang, "Joint Optimization for Cooperative Services-Caching, Computation-Offloading, and Resource-Allocations Over EH/MEC-Based Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023, Rome, Italy, May 28 - June 01, 2023.

  19. Xi Zhang, Jiingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Modeling Statistical Delay, Error-Rate, and Joint-Delay/Error-Rate QoS-Exponents over M-MIMO Mobile Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, June 25-June 30, 2023.

  20. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Active-IRS-Enabled Energy-Efficiency Optimizations for UAV-Based 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 57th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 22-24, 2023.

  21. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning for Scalable Software-Defined 6G Mobile Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 57th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 22-24, 2023.

  22. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "The Epsilon-Effective Capacity for Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning Over 6G CF M-MIMO Wireless Networks Using HARQ-IR," IEEE Information Theory Society 57th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 22-24, 2023.

  23. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Massive-MIMO Based RSMA Under Nakagami-m Channel Over 6G mURLLC Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 57th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 22-24, 2023.

  24. Xi Zhang, Jiingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Control for URLLC in the Non-Asymptotic Regime," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022, Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, June 26-July 1, 2022.

  25. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Average Coverage Probability for Base-Station-To-UAV Communications Over 6G Multiple Access Wireless Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022, Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, June 26-July 1, 2022.

  26. Xi Zhang, Jiingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical QoS-Driven Beamforming and Trajectory Optimizations in UAV/IRS-Based 6G Wireless Networks in the Non-Asymptotic Regime," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022, Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, June 26-July 1, 2022.

  27. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning Over Massive-MIMO Based 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 4-8, 2022.

  28. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Lyapunov Stability Analysis for Controlling UAV Trajectory Over 6G Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2022, National Capital Region, U.S.A., November 28 - December 2, 2022.

  29. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Joint Beamforming and Trajectory Optimizations for Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning Over MIMO-UAV/IRS-Based 6G Mobile Edge Computing Networks Using FBC," IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2022, Bologna, Italy, July 10-14, 2022.

  30. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Control for mURLLC Over 6G Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks in the Non-Asymptotic Regime," IEEE Information Theory Society 56th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2022, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 9-11, 2022.

  31. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Massive-MIMO Channel Capacity Modeling for mURLLC Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 56th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2022, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 9-11, 2022.

  32. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "IRS/UAV-Based Edge-Computing/Traffic-Offloading Over RF-Powered 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2022, Austin, Texas, USA, April 10 - 14, 2022.

  33. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Massive-MIMO Based Statistical QoS Provisioning for mURLLC Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2022, Austin, Texas, USA, April 10 - 14, 2022.

  34. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Multiple-Access Based UAV Communications and Trajectory Tracking Over 6G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2022, Austin, Texas, USA, April 10 - 14, 2022.

  35. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS for SWIPT in CF M-MIMO 6G Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain, December 7-11, 2021.

  36. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Joint Optimization for Data-Offloading/Resource-Allocation in RF-Powered Backscatter Mobile Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain, December 7-11, 2021.

  37. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Tail-Latency and Cost Tradeoff Optimization for URLLC-Enabled Distributed Coded-Storage Data Centers," IEEE GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain, December 7-11, 2021.

  38. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "AoI-Driven Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for URLLC Over Wireless Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 12-20, 2021.

  39. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for 6G mURLLC Over AoI-Driven and UAV-Enabled Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 10 - 14, 2021.

  40. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Optimal Resource Allocation for Statistical QoS Provisioning in Supporting mURLLC Over FBC-Driven 6G Terahertz Wireless Nano-Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 10 - 14, 2021.

  41. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical Tail-Latency Bounded QoS Provisioning for Parallel and Distributed Data Centers," IEEE 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2021, Washington DC, USA, July 7 - 10, 2021.

  42. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Joint Optimization and Tradeoff Modeling of Peak AoI and Delay-Bound Violation Probabilities Over URLLC-Enabled Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2021, Montreal, Canada, June 14 - 23, 2021.

  43. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Age-of-Information for mURLLC Over 6G Multimedia Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 55th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2021, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 24 - 26, 2021.

  44. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Bounded Age-of-Information for mURLLC Over 6G Multimedia Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 55th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2021, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 24 - 26, 2021.

  45. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "AoI-Driven Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for URLLC Over Wireless Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE Information Theory Society 55th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2021, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 24 - 26, 2021.

  46. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning for SWIPT Over CF M-MIMO Based IoT Networks Using FBC," IEEE Information Theory Society 55th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2021, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 24 - 26, 2021.

  47. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Sequential Hypothesis Criterion Based Optimal Caching Schemes in Wireless Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2020, Los Angeles, California, USA, June 21-26, 2020.

  48. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Interference Modeling and Mutual Information Maximization Over 6G THz Wireless Ad-Hoc Nano-Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020. (Received IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 Best Paper Award)

  49. (This paper received IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 Best Paper Award)

  50. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Age of Information Based Effective Capacity Over QoS-Driven Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  51. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Robust Symbol-Synchronization for OFDM Smart-Grid Wireless Neighborhood Area Networks With SαS Noise," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  52. Fan Yang, Xi Zhang, and Shi Chen, "Multi-Laser Based Cooperative Scanning for AUV Acquisition Over UWOC Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  53. Jianqiao Chen and Xi Zhang, "Super-Resolution Block-Sparse Channel Estimation Over Uplink M-MIMO 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  54. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "NOMA/User-Centric Based Cell-Free Massive MIMO Over 6G Big-Data Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  55. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Joint Resource Allocation Optimization Over EH Based 6G THz-Band Big-Data-Driven Nano-Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7 - 11, 2020.

  56. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Cell-Free M-MIMO-NOMA Based 5G+ Mobile Wireless Networks in the Non-Asymptotic Regime," IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 26-29, 2020.

  57. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Analyses for Age of Information Supporting URLLC Over Multimedia Wireless Networks," IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 26-29, 2020.

  58. Jianqiao Chen, Xi Zhang, and Ping Zhang, "Bayesian Learning for BPSO-Based Pilot Pattern Design Over Sparse OFDM Channels," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7 - 11, 2020.

  59. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocation for Polarization-Based Non-Linear Energy Harvesting in 5G Cooperate CRNs," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7 - 11, 2020.

  60. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Performance Analysis for OFDM Smart-Grid Networks Under AWSαSN with Imperfect Synchronization," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7 - 11, 2020.

  61. Jianqiao Chen, Xi Zhang, and Ping Zhang, "DDL-Based Sparse Channel Representation and Estimation for Downlink FDD Massive MIMO Systems," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7 - 11, 2020.

  62. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "HiCa: Hierarchical Cache Partition for Low-Tail-Latency QoS in Emergent-Security Enabled Data Center," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7 - 11, 2020.

  63. Jianqiao Chen and Xi Zhang, "'Belief Propagation Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning for Non-Stationary Uplink Channel Estimation Over Massive-MIMO Based 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 53rd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2020, Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., March 18 - 20, 2020.

  64. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay/Error-Rate Bounded QoS Provisioning Across Clustered MmWave-Channels in CF M-MIMO Based 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 53rd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2020, Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., March 18 - 20, 2020.

  65. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Scaling Law Based D2D Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  66. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Optimal QoS-Driven Power Allocation for Energy Harvesting Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Using FBC," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  67. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Neyman-Pearson Criterion Based Optimal Hierarchical Caching Over D2D Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  68. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "NOMA-Based Statistical QoS Provisioning for 5G Mobile Wireless Networks With Finite Blocklength," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  69. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Reinforcement Learning Based QoS-Provisioning Over Energy-Harvesting 5G Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  70. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "MmWave-MIMO Based 5G Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  71. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Finite-Blocklength Performance of Relay-Networks Over Nakagami-m Channels," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  72. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Minimum Energy and Error-Rate Over Nakagami-m Channels: A Finite-Blocklength Analysis," IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 9-14, 2019.

  73. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS-Driven Power Allocation for Collaborative D2D Caching Over Edge Computing Networks," IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems (ICDCS) 2019, Dallas, Texas, July 7 - 10, 2019.

  74. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Driven Collaborative Learning Based Energy Harvesting Over Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems (ICDCS) 2019, Dallas, Texas, July 7 - 10, 2019.

  75. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and Qixuan Zhu, "Q-Learning Based Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Multihop Big-Data Relay Networks,"  IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 14 – 17, 2019,

  76. (This is an invited paper for IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) 2019)

  77. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "D2D Offloading for Statistical QoS Provisionings Over 5G Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, France, April 29 - May 2, 2019.

  78. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Q-Learning Based D2D Offloading for Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Multimedia Edge-Computing Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - Workshop on IECCO, Paris, France, April 29 - May 2, 2019.

  79. Xiaohua Xu, Benjamin Lee, Yuanfang Chen, and Xi Zhang, "Upper-Bounded Price of Anarchy in D2D Communications Over 5G Edge-Computing Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - Workshop on IECCO, Paris, France, April 29 - May 2, 2019.

  80. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical Delay-Bounded QoS Provisioning Over 5G Wireless Networks in Finite Blocklength Regime,"IEEE International Confernce on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20 - 24, 2019.

  81. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and H. Vincent Poor, "Non-Asymptotic Performances for Finite Blocklength Coding Over Nakagami-m Channels," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20 - 24, 2019.

  82. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical QoS Provisioning for Energy-Harvesting Based 5G Multimedia Wireless Networks Using Finite Blocklength Coding," IEEE International Confernce on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20 - 24, 2019.

  83. Gang Liu, Xianhao Chen, Zheng Ma, Xi Zhang, Ming Xiao, and Pingzhi Fan, "Full-Duplex and C-RAN Based Multi-Cell Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Over 5G Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20 - 24, 2019.

  84. Xi Zhang, Jingqing Wang, and H. Vincent Poor, "Statistical QoS Provisioning for Energy-Harvesting Based 5G Multimedia Wireless Networks Using FBC," IEEE Information Theory Society 53rd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., March 20 - 22, 2019.

  85. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transmission Over Full-Duplex NOMA Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-14, 2018.

  86. Jianqiao Chen, Ping Zhang, Xi Zhang, Xiaoli Yang, and Nan Ma, "A Novel 3D Multi-Confocal Ellipsoid Simulation Model for 5G Massive MIMO Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-14, 2018.

  87. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Hierarchical-Caching Based Statistical QoS Provisioning over 5G Multimedia Big-Data Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 29-31, 2018.

  88. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transmission Enabled FD OFMDA Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-14, 2018.

  89. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical QoS Provisioning Over D2D-Offloading Based 5G Multimedia Big-Data Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IECCO, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018.

  90. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Dynamic Interface Selection and Resource Allocation Over Heterogeneous Edge-Computing Mobile Wireless Networks With Energy Harvesting," IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IECCO, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018.

  91. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Adaptation for Distributed Caching Based Mobile Offloading Over 5G Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IECCO, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018.

  92. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Dynamic Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation Over Mobile Edge Computing Networks With Energy Harvesting Capability," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.

  93. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocation for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks With Dedicated Energy Sources," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.

  94. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS-Driven Resource Allocation for D2D Cluster-Caching Based 5G Multimedia Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.

  95. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Allocation for Cooperative Caching Over 5G Big Data Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.

  96. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Collaborative Hierarchical Caching Over 5G Edge Computing Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018. (Received IEEE ICC 2018 Best Paper Award)

    (This paper received IEEE ICC 2018 Best Paper Award)

  97. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Joint WiFi Offloading and Resource Allocation for RF-Powered Wireless Networks Assisted by Ambient Backscatter," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.

  98. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Joint Heterogeneous Statistical QoS/QoE Provisionings for Edge-Computing Based WiFi Offloading Over 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 52th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2018, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, March 21-23, 2018.

  99. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Pilot-Based Full-Duplex Spectrum-Sensing and Multichannel-MAC Over Non-Time-Slotted Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017.

  100. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocations for Polarization-Enabled Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks With Energy Harvesting Capability," IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017.

  101. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Adaptation for Distributed Caching Based Mobile Offloading Over 5G Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2017 - IECCO, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017.

  102. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Distributed Mobile Devices Caching Over Edge Computing Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2017 - IECCO, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017.

  103. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical Quality of Service Provisioning Over Edge Computing Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2017, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 23-25, 2017.

  104. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Allocation for WiFi Offloading Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 51st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 22-24, 2017.

  105. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Spectrum Efficiency Maximization Using Primal-Dual Adaptive Algorithm for Distributed Mobile Devices Caching Over Edge Computing Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 51st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 22-24, 2017.

  106. Xi Zhang and Fan Yang, "Spectrum Utility Driven WiFi Offloading Over NOMA-Based Cellular Network Edges," IEEE Information Theory Society 51st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 22-24, 2017.

  107. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocation for Polarization-Enabled Green Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Untrusted Secondary Users," IEEE Information Theory Society 51st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 22-24, 2017.

  108. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Secure Resource Allocation and Dynamic Spectrum Access for Polarization-Based Green Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 51st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 22-24, 2017.

  109. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS-Driven Resource Allocation Over MIMO-OFDMA Based 5G Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE WCNC 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 19-22, 2017.

  110. Xi Zhang and Jingqing Wang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Adaptation in Q-OFDMA-Based Full-Duplex D2D 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE WCNC 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 19-22, 2017.

  111. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Cooperative Power Allocation Game Over Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE WCNC 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 19-22, 2017.

  112. Xi Zhang and Fan Yang, "Joint Bandwidth and Power Allocation for Energy Efficiency Optimization Over Heterogeneous LTE/WiFi Multi-Homing Networks," IEEE WCNC 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 19-22, 2017.

  113. Honghai Wu, Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Quality of Video Oriented Pricing Incentive for Mobile Video Offloading," IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10-15, 2016.

  114. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Joint Resource Allocation and Admission Control for Energy Harvesting Based Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - GSNC, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10-15, 2016.

  115. Bassem Khalfi, Bechir Hamdaoui, Mahdi Ben Ghorbel, Mohsen Guizani, and Xi Zhang, "Joint Data and Power Transfer Optimization for Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - MobiWorld, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10-15, 2016.

  116. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS-Driven Resource Adaptation Over Full-Duplex Relay Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  117. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Resource Allocation Over FD-SS Cooperative Cognitive Radios Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  118. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "P2P Caching Schemes for Jointly Minimizing Memory Cost and Transmission Delay Over Information-Centric Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  119. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Effective-Capacity Based Auctions for Relay Selection Over Cooperative Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  120. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Negotiation-Based Gaming for Statistical QoS Guarantee Over Information-Centric Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  121. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Decentralized Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning for Uplinks Over 5G Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  122. Fei Wang and Xi Zhang, "Resource Allocation for Multiuser Cooperative Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks with RF Energy Harvesting Capability," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  123. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Performance Modeling for Smart Grid Networks Over Impulsive Bandpass AWSaSN Channels," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  124. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Distributed Optimal Green Power Allocation for D2D Based Cellular Networks With Long-Term QoS Constraint," IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, Washington D.C., USA, Decmeber 4-8, 2016.

  125. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks," ACM WUWNET 2016, Shanghai, China, October 24-26, 2016.

  126. Xi Zhang, Qixuan Zhu, and Jingqing Wang, "Efficient MAC-Layer Spectrum Sensing Scheme Over Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks," ACM WUWNET 2016, Shanghai, China, October 24-26, 2016.

  127. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Information-Centric Network Virtualization for QoS Provisioning Over Software Defined Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2016, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 1-4, 2016.

  128. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Adaptation Over Q-OFDMA-Based Full-Duplex D2D 5G Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 50th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2016, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 16-18, 2016.

  129. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang "Effective-Capacity Based Auctions for Relay Selection Over Wireless Cooperative Communications Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 50th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2016, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 16-18, 2016.

  130. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang "Statistical QoS-Driven Resource Allocation Over FD-SS Cooperative Cognitive Radios Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 50th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2016, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 16-18, 2016.

  131. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang "Negotiation-Based Gaming for Statistical QoS Guarantee Over Information-Centric Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society 50th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2016, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 16-18, 2016.

  132. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning Over 5G Wireless Full-Duplex Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Hong Kong, April 26 - May 1, 2015.

  133. Xi Zhang and Qixuan Zhu, "Transmit Antenna and Relay Selections for Underwater MIMO-OFDM Cooperative Wireless Networks," ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems (WUWNet) 2015, Washington D.C., U.S.A., October 22~24, 2015.

  134. Jingqing Wang, Xi Zhang, and Qixuan Zhu, "Statistical QoS-Driven Power Adaptation Over MIMO-GFDM Based Underwater Wireless Networks," ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems (WUWNet) 2015, Washington D.C., U.S.A., October 22~24, 2015.

  135. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Bayesian-Game Based Power and Spectrum Virtualization for Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency Over Mobile Cloud-Computing Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2015 - MCV, Hong Kong, April 26 - May 1, 2015.

  136. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning for Full-Duplex D2D Communications Over 5G Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, Decemeber 6-10, 2015.

  137. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Effective-Capacity Based Gaming for Optimal Power and Spectrum Allocations Over Big-Data Virtual Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 6-10, 2015.

  138. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Power Control for Maximizing Channel Capacity Over Full-Duplex D2D Q-OFDMA Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 6-10, 2015.

  139. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Game-Theory Based Buffer-Space and Transmission-Rate Allocations for Optimal Energy-Efficiency Over Wireless Virtual Networks,"  IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 6-10, 2015.

  140. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "SER Analysis of OFDM-Based Power-Line Communications Under the Impulsive Nature of Alpha-Stable Background Noise, " IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, December 6-10, 2015.

  141. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Statistical-QoS Based Gaming for Optimal Power Allocations Over Virtualized Wireless Relay Networks Supporting Multimedia Services,"  IEEE MILCOM 2015, Tampa, FL, USA, October 26-28, 2015.

  142. Qixuan Zhu and Xi Zhang, "Game-Theory Based Power and Spectrum Virtualization for Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency Over Mobile Cloud-Computing Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 49th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 18-20, 2015.

  143. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "Optimal Energy-Efficient Scheme for MIMO Based Cognitive Radio Networks with Antenna Selection," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 49th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 18-20, 2015.

  144. Ping Wang and Xi Zhang, "Soft Frequency Reuse for Intercell Interference Mitigation in Two-tier Underwater Multicell OFDM Wireless Networks," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  145. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "Compressive Spectrum Sensing for MIMO-OFDM Based Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  146. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "Cooperative MIMO-OFDM Based Multi-Hop 3D Clustered Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  147. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "Decentralized Iterative Reweighted Algorithm for Recovery of Jointly Sparse Signals," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  148. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "'Exact Recoverability Analysis for Joint Sparse Optimization with Missing Measurements," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  149. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Gengshe Chen, "Efficient Quantum-Error Correction for QoS Provisioning Over QKD-Based Satellite Networks," IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, LA, March 9 - 12, 2015.

  150. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "3D Percolation Theory-Based Exposure-Path Prevention for Optimal Power-Coverage Tradeoff in Clustered Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014. (Received IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Best Paper Award)

    (This paper received IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Best Paper Award)

  151. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "BER and SER Analyses for M-ary Modulation Schemes Under Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  152. Ping Wang and Xi Zhang, "Fractional Frequency Reuse for Intercell Interference Mitigation in Two-Tier Underwater Multicell OFDM Wireless Networks," ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNET 2014), Rome, Italy, November 12-14, 2014.

  153. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Optimal Power Allocation for Full-Duplex D2D Communications Over Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014. (IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Best Paper Award Candidate)

  154. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Heterogeneous Statistical QoS Provisioning for Downlink Transmissions Over Mobile Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  155. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "An Efficient Method for Collaborative Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  156. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Efficient Packet Detection for D2D Power-Saving Communications Over Mobile Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014. (IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Best Paper Award Candidate)

  157. Shan Jin and Xi Zhang, "Collaborative Compressive Spectrum Sensing with Missing Observations for Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  158. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, Genshe Chen, Khanh Pham, and Erik Blasch, "Quantum Key Distribution for = Security Guarantees Over Quantum-Repeater-Based QoS-Driven 3D Satellite Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  159. Zhuofan Liao, Xi Zhang, and Chaochao Feng, "Mobile Relay Deployment Based on Markov Chains in WiMAX Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014.

  160. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "BER Analysis for Digital Modulation Schemes Under Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise," IEEE MILCOM 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 6-8, 2014.

  161. Jingqing Wang and Xi Zhang, "AQ-DBPSK/DS-CDMA Based Energy-Efficient and Interference-Mitigation Scheme for 3D Clustered WCSNs With Minimum Coverage Rate Constraint," IEEE MILCOM 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 6-8, 2014.

  162. Ping Wang, Jiahao Li, and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive RTT-Driven Transport-Layer Flow and Error Control Protocol for QoS Guaranteed Image Transmission Over Multi-Hop Underwater Wireless Networks: Design, Implementation, and Analysis," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014, Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.

  163. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Sharpening Timing-Metrics for Auto-Correlation Based Coarse Symbol Synchronization in OFDM Systems," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014,Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.

  164. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Transmission of VoIP Packets Using TTI Bundling in LTE Uplink," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 48th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2014, Princeton University, NJ, USA, March 19-21, 2014.

  165. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Optimal Dynamic Power Control for Full-Duplex Bidirectional-Channel Based Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013.

  166. Lijun Xie and Xi Zhang, "3D Clustering-Based Camera Wireless Sensor Networks for Maximizing Lifespan With Minimum Coverage Rate Constraint," IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 9-14, 2013.

  167. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Mei Song, "Power-Efficient Resource Allocation for QoS Provisioning in Underwater MIMO-OFDM Cooperative Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 9-14, 2013.

  168. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "RTS/FCTS Mechanism Based Full-Duplex MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 9-14, 2013.

  169. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "Robust Time-domain Fine Symbol Synchronization for OFDM-Based Packet Transmission Using CAZAC Preamble," IEEE MILCOM 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, November 18-20, 2013.

  170. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Mei Song, "Doppler Compensation Based Optimal Resource Allocation for QoS Guarantees in Underwater MIMO-OFDM Acoustic Wireless Relay Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, November 18-20, 2013.

  171. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Mei Song, "Optimal Stochastic Subcarrier and Power Allocations for QoS-Guaranteed Services in OFDMA Multicell Cooperation Networks," IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June, 9-13, 2013.

  172. Li Wang, Xi Zhang, and Mei Song, "A Secrecy Evaluation Scheme for Infrastructure Deployment in Radio Access Network," IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June, 9-13, 2013.

  173. Li Wang, Xi Zhang, Wen Zhu, and Mei Song, "Picocell-Density Based Energy-Saving for QoS Provisioning in Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE WCNC 2013, Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013.

  174. Li Wang, Xi Zhang, Xin Ma, and Mei Song, "Joint Optimization for Energy Consumption and Secrecy Capacity in Wireless Cooperative Networks," IEEE WCNC 2013, Shanghai, China, April 7-10, 2013.

  175. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Mei Song, "Energy-Efficient Relay Selection for QoS Provisioning in MIMO-Based Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE 47th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2013, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 20-22, 2013.

  176. Fan Yang, Xi Zhang, Wei Yu, and Genshe Chen, "Coarse Symbol Timing for OFDM Systems by Ranking Preamble Cross-Correlations," IEEE 47th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2013, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 20-22, 2013.

  177. Fan Yang and Xi Zhang, "User-Oriented FEC Decoding Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks With Star Topologies," IEEE 47th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2013, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 20-22, 2013.

  178. Fan Yang, Xi Zhang, and Jingsong Leng, "A Novel Preamble-Based Robust Coarse Symbol Timing Estimator for OFDM Systems," IEEE 47th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2013, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 20-22, 2013.

  179. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Full/Half Duplex Based Resource Allocations for Statistical Quality of Service Provisioning in Wireless Relay Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2012,Orlando, Florida, USA, March 24-30, 2012.

  180. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Optimal Density Estimation for Exposure-Path Prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Percolation Theory," IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 25-30, 2012.

  181. Liang Liu, An-Long Ming, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "A Binary-Classification-Tree based Framework for Distributed Target Classification in Multimedia Sensor Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2012,Orlando, Florida, USA, March 25-30, 2012.

  182. Liang Liu, Yuming Song, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for Minimal Exposure Path Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 25-30, 2012.

  183. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Joint Spectrum and Power Efficiencies Optimization for Statistical QoS Provisionings in Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.

  184. Fan Yang, Xi Zhang, and Zhong-pei Zhang, "Coarse Frame Synchronization for OFDM Systems Using SNR Estimation," IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.

  185. Li Wang, Xi Zhang, Mei Song, and Tenghui Ke, "A Novel Security-Oriented Cooperative Scheme for Wireless Relay Networks in Presence of Eavesdroppers," IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.

  186. Jianliang Guo, Jianxin Wang, and Xi Zhang, "HMRF-Based Distributed Fault Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.

  187. Li Wang, Xi Zhang, Mei Song, and Tenghui Ke, "A Novel Multi-Objective Relay-Jammer Pair Selection Scheme in Wireless Cooperative Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.

  188. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, and Wenchi Cheng, "QoS-Guaranteed Software-Defined Acoustic MIMO-OFDM for Underwater Wireless Relay-Based Networks," ACM International Conference on UnderWater Networks and Systems (WUWNET) 2012 - Underwater Wireless Networks Poster, 2012, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 5-6, 2012.

  189. Jun-Hong Cui, Shengli Zhou, Zhijie Shi, James O’Donnell, Zheng Peng, Sumit Roy, Payman Arabshahi, Mario Gerla, Burkard Baschek, Xi Zhang, "Ocean-TUNE: A Community Ocean Testbed for Underwater Wireless Networks," ACM International Conference on UnderWater Networks and Systems (WUWNET) 2012, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 5-6, 2012.

  190. Abhishek Jain and Xi Zhang, "Aqua-Route: Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM International Conference on UnderWater Networks and Systems (WUWNET) 2012 - Underwater Wireless Networks Poster, 2012, Los Angeles, California, USA, November 5-6, 2012.

  191. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "QoS Driven Power Allocations Over Full-Duplex Wireless Links," IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada, June, 10-15, 2012.

  192. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Maximimizing Effective Capacity Over Wireless Links Under Average and Peak Power," IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada, June, 10-15, 2012.

  193. Ping Wang, Xi Zhang, Mei Song, and Xue Chen, "Energy Efficient Stochastic Power Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2012.

  194. Fan Yang, Xi Zhang, and Zong-pei Zhang, "Time-Domain Preamble-Based SNR Estimation for OFDM Systems in Doubly Selective Channles," IEEE MILCOM 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2012.

  195. Wenchi Cheng and Xi Zhang, "Software-Defined Acoustic MIMO-OFDM for QoS Provisionings in Underwater Wireless Networks," ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks WUWNET 2011 - Poster on Underwater Wireless Networks, Seattle, WA, USA, December 1-2, 2011.

  196. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Full Duplex Spectrum Sensing in Non-Time-Slotted Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2011, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 6-10, 2011.

  197. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailin Zhang, "Imperfect Full Duplex Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks," ACM MobiCom 2011 - Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 19-23, 2011.

  198. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Base-Station Selections for QoS Provisioning Over Distributed Multi-User MIMO Links in Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.

  199. Mathias Bjorkqvist, Lydia Y. Chen, Marko Vukolic, and Xi Zhang, "Minimizing Retrieval Latency for Content Cloud," IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.

  200. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, Hailin Zhang, and Qiang Wang, "On-Demand Based Wireless Resources Trading Green Communications," IEEE INFOCOM 2011 - Workshop on Green Communications and Networking, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.

  201. Wenchi Cheng, Xi Zhang, and Hailing Zhang, "Full Duplex Wireless Communications for Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 45th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2011, Hopkings University, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 23--25, 2011.

  202. Junbin Liang, Jianxin Wang, Xi Zhang, and Jianer Chen, "An Adaptive Probability Broadcast-based Data Preservation Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.

  203. Mathias Bjvrkqvist, Lydia Y. Chen, and Xi Zhang, "Minimizing Retrieval Cost of Multi-layer Content Distribution Systems," IEEE ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.

  204. Guofeng Yan, Jianxin Wang, and Xi Zhang, "Performance Analysis for End-to-End Channel System with Lossy Communication of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.

  205. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Network Coding Based QoS-Provisioning MAC for Wireless Smart Metering Networks," ICST/ACM QShine 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, November 17-19, 2010.

  206. Xi Zhang, "Spatial-Spectral Joint Compressive Spectrum Sensing for Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  207. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Opportunistic Energy-Aware Channel Sensing Schemes for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  208. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Dynamic Base Station Selections for QoS Provisioning Over Distributed MIMO Links," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  209. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Network-Coding-Based Relay MAC Protocols for Drive-Thru Internet Services in Vehicular Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  210. Xi Zhang, "Decentralized Sensor-Coordination Optimization for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  211. Jianxin Wang, Jing Li, Liang Rong, and Xi Zhang, "ARROW-WTCP: A Fast Transport Protocol based on Explicit Congestion Notification over Wired/Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2010,Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

  212. Xi Zhang, "Multiple Visual-Targets Tracking in Decentralized Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2010, San Jose, California, October 31-November 3, 2010.

  213. Jianxin Wang, Ming Liu, Mingming Lu, and Xi Zhang, "Target Coverage Algorithms with Multiple Sensing Ranges in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2010, San Jose, California, October 31-November 3, 2010.

  214. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Two-Tier Optimal-Cooperation Based Secure Distributed Spectrum Sensing for Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2010 - Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Communications and Networking, San Diego, California, March 15-19, 2010.

  215. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Queue-Aware Spectrum Sensing for Interference-Constrained Transmissions in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2010,Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.

  216. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.

  217. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Efficient Node Collaboration for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking Using Two-Tier Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.

  218. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Interference-Confined Adaptive Transmission Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.

  219. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Decentralized-Detection Based Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.

  220. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Power-Efficient Periodic Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive MAC in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010, Sydney, Australia, April 18-21, 2010. (Received IEEE WCNC 2010 Best Paper Award)

    (This paper received IEEE WCNC 2010 Best Paper Award)

  221. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Sensor Self-Organization for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Decentralized Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010, Sydney, Australia, April 18-21, 2010.

  222. Zhuofan Liao, Jianxin Chen, Jie Wang, and Xi Zhang, "GRLD: A Seamless Growth Rings Like Deployment of Sensors Avoiding Boundary Effects in WSNs," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010, Sydney, Australia, April 18-21, 2010.

  223. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Statistical QoS Provisionings for Wireless Unicast/Multicast of Layered Video Streams," IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009.

  224. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma "Dynamic Node Collaboration for Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009.

  225. Huadong Ma, Xi Zhang, and Anlong Ming "A Coverage-Enhancing Method for 3D Directional Sensor Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009.

  226. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Dynamic Node Scheduling for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking Using Multi-Directional Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, September 30 - October 2, 2009.

  227. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Power-Allocation Game Over Fading Multiple-Access Channels," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

  228. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Secondary User Friendly TDMA Scheduling in Opportunistic Spectrum Access Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009. (Received IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Best Paper Award)

    (This paper received IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Best Paper Award)

  229. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Joint Link Scheduling and Routing for Directional-Antenna Based 60 GHz Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

  230. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Minimal Exposure Path Algorithms for Directional Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

  231. Jianxin Wang, Liang Rong, Xi Zhang, and Jianer Chen, "ARROW-TCP: Accelerating Transmission toward Efficiency and Fairness for High-speed Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

  232. Jin Ye, Jianxin Wang, Jianwei Huang, and Xi Zhang, "A Cross-Layer ECN to Achieve Fairness Among TCP Flows in Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, Hawaii, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

  233. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Uplink MAC for CDMA-Based Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2009, Boston, MA, USA, October 18 - 21, 2009.

  234. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Dynamic Node Collaboration for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Two-Tier Wireless Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2009, Boston, MA, USA, October 18 - 21, 2009.

  235. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Game-Theoretic Approach for QoS-Aware Resource Competition in Wireless Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2009, Boston, MA, USA, October 18 - 21, 2009.

  236. Jin Wei and Xi Zhang, "Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Two-Tier Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2009, Boston, MA, USA, October 18 - 21, 2009.

  237. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Effective Capacity of Superposition Coding Based Mobile Multicast in Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.

  238. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma "Exposure-Path Prevention in Directional Sensor Networks Using Sector Model Based Percolation," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.

  239. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Throughput-Gain Analysis of Network Coding in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.

  240. Jie Wang, Jianxin Wang, Jianer Chen, and Xi Zhang, "An Automated Signatures Generation Approach for Polymorphic Worm Based on Color Coding," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.

  241. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Characterizing the Throughput Gain of Network Coding in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, November 17-19, 2008.

  242. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Design and Analysis of A Multi-Channel Cognitive MAC Protocol for Dynamic Access Spectrum Networks," IEEE MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, November 17-19, 2008.

  243. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "On Rate Adaptation for Video Multicast with Layered Coding Over Multirate Wireless Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2008.

  244. Liang Liu, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma "Bond-Percolation Based Optimal Density for Exposure-Path Prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2008.

  245. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Battery-Aware TDMA Scheduling Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2008.

  246. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Effective Capacity Optimization with Layered Transmission for Multicast in Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communicastions and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) 2008, Crete Island, Greece, August 6 - Augus 8, 2008

  247. Jianxin Wang, Yuhong Luo, Jiawei Huang, and Xi Zhang, "VCGG: A Varying Cone Distributed Topology-Control Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE QShine 2008, Hong Kong, July 28 - July 31, 2008.

  248. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "CREAM-MAC: An Efficient Cognitive Radio-EnAbled Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks," IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2008, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 23-27, 2008.

  249. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Power-Delay Tradeoff Over Wireless Networks," IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2008, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 23-27, 2008.

  250. Liu Liang, Xi Zhang, and Huadong Ma, "Localization-Oriented Coverage Based on Bayesian Estimation in Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2008, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 23-27, 2008.

  251. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Fixed/Variable Power Multicast Over Heterogeneous Fading Channels in Cellular Networks," IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 19 -- May 23, 2008.

  252. Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "On Directional K-Coverage Analysis of Randomly Deployed Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 19 -- May 23, 2008.

  253. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Resource Allocation for Downlink Statistical Multiuser QoS Provisionings in Cellular Wireless Networks," IEEE INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 13 -- 19, 2008.

  254. Xi Zhang and Qinghe Du, "Effective Capacity for Mobile Multicast Over Fading Channels in Wireless Networks, (Invited Paper)," IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop 2008, San Diego, California, USA, January 27 -- February 1, 2008.

  255. Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "Collaborative Target Localization in Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008 , Las Vegas, USA, March 31 -- April 3, 2008.

  256. Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "Analysis for Localization-Oriented Coverage in Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008, Las Vegas, USA, March 31 -- April 3, 2008.

  257. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Channel-Hopping Based Single Transceiver MAC for Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 42th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2008, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 19--21, 2008.

  258. Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "Percolation-Theory Based Density Derivations of Wireless Sensor Network Nodes for Preventing Exposure Paths," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 42th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2008, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 19--21, 2008.

  259. Liang Liu, Huadong Ma, and Xi Zhang, "Optimal Camera Selection for Target Localization in Camera Sensor Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 42th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2008, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 19--21, 2008.

  260. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Parallel Fading Channels With Imperfect Channel Estimations in Wireless Networks," (Long Paper) IEEE INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 6 -- 12, 2007.

  261. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "An Efficient Single-Transceiver CDMA-Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks," (Long Paper) IEEE INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 6--12, 2007.

  262. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Design Based Rate Control for Mobile Multicast in Cellular Networks," (Received the Best Paper Award from the IEEE Globecom 2007), IEEE GLOECOM 2007, Washington D.C., USA, November 26 -- 30, 2007.

    (This paper received IEEE GLOBECOM 2007 Best Paper Award)

  263. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Cognitive Radio-Based Multi-Channel MAC Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE GLOECOM 2007, Washington D.C., USA, November 26 -- 30, 2007.

  264. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Power Control for Downlink Multiuser Communications Over Parallel Fading Channels in Wireless Networks," IEEE/ACM QShine 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 14 -- 17, 2007.

  265. Xi Zhang and Tadi Krishna Chaitanya "Modeling Virus and Anti-Virus Spreading Over Hybrid Wireless Ad Hoc and Wired Networks," IEEE GLOECOM 2007, Washington D.C., USA, November 26 -- 30, 2007.

  266. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Joint Power and Constellation Size Adaptation for Mobile Multicast Employing MQAM Over Wireless Fading Channels," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 24 -- 27, 2007.

  267. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "A Spreading Code MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 24 -- 27, 2007.

  268. Lin Xie and Xi Zhang, "Opportunistic Cooperation for Quality of Service Provisioning Over Wireless Relay Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 24 -- 27, 2007.

  269. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Network Lifetime Optimization for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks With Mixed Communication Modes," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, Hong Kong, March 11--15, 2007.

  270. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Multicast with Power and Rate Control Over Fading Channels in Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, Hong Kong, March 11--15, 2007.

  271. Xi Zhang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and Mohsen Guizani, "Second-Order Rate-Control Based Transport Protocols Over Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, Hong Kong, March 11--15, 2007.

  272. Lin Xie and Xi Zhang, "TDMA and FDMA Based Resource Allocations for Quality of Service Guarantees Over Wireless Relay Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, Hong Kong, March 11--15, 2007.

  273. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Opportunistic MAC Protocols for Cognitive Radio Based Wireless Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 41st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2007, John Hopkings University, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 14--16, 2007.

  274. Lin Xie and Xi Zhang, "Cross-layer Resource Allocation Strategies for Quality-of-Service Driven Opportunistic Routing Over Wireless Relay Networks," IEEE Information Theory Society, the 41st Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2007, John Hopkings University, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 14--16, 2007.

  275. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Adaptive Power and Rate Allocation for Multichannel Communications in Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE 2006 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 9--14, 2006.

  276. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Cluster-Based DSRC Architecture for QoS Provisioning Over Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE GLOBECOM 2006, San Francisco, CA, November 27 -- December 1, USA, 2006.

  277. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Power-Efficiency Data Gathering Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2006, Arlington, Virginia, USA, October 9 -- 11, 2006 (IEEE ICCCN 2006 Best Paper Award Candidate).

  278. Lin Xie, Xi Zhang, and Peiliang Qiu, "Relay Selection Strategies for Distributed Space-Time Cooperative Systems Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2006, Arlington, Virginia, USA, October 9 -- 11, 2006.

  279. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Power and Rate Allocations for Mobile Multicast Throughput Opimization Over Fading Channels in Wireless Networks," IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2006, Arlington, Virginia, USA, October 9 -- 11, 2006.

  280. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Modeling Based Adaptive Resource Allocations for Statistical QoS Provisioning Over Mobile Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine) 2006, Waterloo, ON, Canada, August 7 - 9, 2006,

  281. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Modeling for Quality of Service Guarantees Over Mobile Wireless Networks," (Accepted as an EXTENDED PAPER to be presented in a single track of IEEE WoWMoM 2006) IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), Buffalo-NY, USA, June 26 -- 29, 2006.

  282. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Resource-Consumption Optimization for Mobile Multicast in Wireless Networks," (Accepted as a REGULAR PAPER for presentation at IEEE WOWMOM 2006) IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), Buffalo-NY, USA, June 26 -- 29, 2006.

  283. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Optimal Transmission Range for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks with Mixed Communication Modes," (Accepted as a REGULAR PAPER for presentation at IEEE WOWMOM 2006) IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), Buffalo-NY, USA, June 26 -- 29, 2006.

  284. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Quality-of-Service Driven Power and Rate Control in Mobile Wireless Networks" IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11 -- 15, 2006.

  285. Qinghe Du, Xi Zhang, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, "On Transmit-Diversity Based Multicast in Mobile Wireless Networks" IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11 -- 15, 2006.

  286. Hang Su, Xi Zhang, Peiliang Qiu, and Mohsen Guizani, "An Enhanced IEEE 802.11 MAC Algorithm for Tradeoff between Delay and Energy-Consumption" IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11 -- 15, 2006.

  287. Song Ci, Mohsen Guizani, Xi Zhang, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "A Packet Fair Queueing Algorithm for CDMA2000 1xEV-DV Networks" IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11 -- 15, 2006.

  288. Hang Su and Xi Zhang, "Energy-Efficient Clustering System Model and Reconfiguration Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks" IEEE Information Theory Society, the 40th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2006, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 22--24, 2006.

  289. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Time-Sharing Based Rate Control for Multicast Over Wireless Fading Channels in Mobile Wireless Networks" IEEE Information Theory Society, the 40th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2006, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 22--24, 2006.

  290. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "QoS-Driven Power and Rate Control for Multicarrier Communications In Mobile Wireless Networks" IEEE Information Theory Society, the 40th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2006, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 22--24, 2006.

  291. Jia Tang, Xi Zhang, and Qinghe Du, "Alamouti Scheme with Joint Antenna Selection and Power Allocation over Rayleigh Fading Channels in Wireless Networks" IEEE GLOBECOM 2005, St. Louis, MO, November 28 -- December 2, USA, 2005.

  292. Xi Zhang and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "Analysis of Virus and Anti-Virus Spreading Dynamics" IEEE GLOBECOM 2005, St. Louis, MO, November 28 -- December 2, USA, 2005.

  293. Qinghe Du and Xi Zhang, "Adaptive Low-Complexity Erasure-Correcting Code-Based Protocols for QoS-Driven Mobile Multicast Services," IEEE International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine) 2005, August 22 - 24, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA, August 22 - 24, 2005,

  294. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Space-Time Diversity versus Feedback-Based Channel Adaptation in Cross-Layer Design of Wireless Networks," IEEE Electro Information Technology Conference (EIT) 2005, Lincoln, NE, May 22-25, 2005.

  295. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Cross-Layer Design of Dynamic Resource Allocation of Diverse QoS Guarantees for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks," IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2005, Taormina, Italy, June 14-16, 2005.

  296. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Capacity Analysis for Integrated Multiuser and Antenna Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading Channels in Mobile Wireless Networks," The 39th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2005, Johns Hopkings University, MD, USA, March 16--18, 2005.

  297. Xi Zhang and Qinghe Du, "Adaptive Low-Complexity Erasure-Correcting Code-Based Protocols for reliable Mobile Multicast Services", The 39th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2005, Johns Hopkings University, MD, USA, March 16--18, 2005.

  298. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Link-Adaptation-Enhanced Dynamic Channel Allocation for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks" IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2005, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 14--17, 2005.

  299. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Effective Bandwidth-Based QoS Provisioning for Real-Time Audio/Video Streaming over MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks" (Regular long paper) 5th IEEE International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks in conjuction with the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 4--8, 2005.

  300. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang "Error Probability Analysis of TAS/MRC-Based Scheme for Wireless Networks" IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2005, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 14--17, 2005.

  301. Xi Zhang and Jia Tang, "Space-Time Diversity-Enhanced QoS Provisioning for Real-Time Service over MC-DS-CDMA Based Wireless Networks" IEEE GLOBECOM 2004, Dallas, TX, November 29 -- December 3, USA, 2004.

  302. Qiang Hu, Xi Zhang, and Debanjan Saha, "Modeling Virus and Anti-Virus Dynamics in Topology-Aware Networks" IEEE GLOBECOM 2004, Dallas, TX, November 29 -- December 3, USA, 2004.

  303. Xi Zhang and Jia Tang, "QoS-Driven Asynchronous Uplink Subchannel Allocation Algorithms for Space-Time OFDM-CDMA Systems in Wireless Networks" The First IEEE International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine) 2004, Dallas, TX, October 18 -- 20, USA, 2004.

  304. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Subchannel-Allocation Algorithms and Performance Analysis for Space-Time OFDM Based Systems in Wireless Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2004, Atlanta, GA, USA, March 21--25, 2004.

  305. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "A Novel Complex-Modulation Based Space-Time Spreading Scheme with More Than Two Transmit Antennas for MC-DS-CDMA Systems", The 38th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2004, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 17--19, 2004.
  306. Jia Tang and Xi Zhang, "Fairness and Throughput of Resource Allocation in Space-Time OFDM-CDMA Based Wireless Networks" International Wireless Networks Conference, San Francisco, CA, May, USA, 2004.

  307. Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin "Statistical Analysis of Feedback-Synchronization Signaling Delay for Multicast Flow Control"(IEEE INFOCOM '2001 Review Scores: 5,5,5,4, and Reviews) (Received the NSF Grant Award of IEEE INFOCOM '2001 for Recognition of High-Quality Paper), Presented at IEEE INFOCOM '2001, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, April 22 - 26, 2001.

  308. Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin "Second-Order Rate-Control Based Transport Protocols", Presented at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2001), Riverside, California, USA, November 11-14, 2001.
  309. Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin "Performance Analysis of Feedback Synchronization for Multicast ABR Flow Control" (Received the IEEE Grant Award of IEEE GLOBECOM '99 for Recognition of High-Quality Paper), Presented at IEEE GLOBECOM 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5-9 December, 1999.

  310. Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Debanjan Saha, and Dilip Kandlur "Scalable Flow Control for Multicast ABR Services", In proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 1999, New York City, NY, USA, March 21st-25th, 1999.

  311. Xi Zhang, Kang G. Shin, Qin Zheng "Integrated Rate and Credit Feedback Control ABR Service in ATM Networks" (Received the IEEE Grant Award of IEEE INFOCOM 1997 for Recognition of High-Quality Paper), In proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 1997, Kobe, Japan, April 7-11, 1997.

  312. Xi Zhang and Rick Blum "Distributed quantization for signal detection in dependent sensors," The 28th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 1994.

  313. Xi Zhang and Rick Blum, "On relating efficacy and MSE for random signal detection based on quantized multi-sensor observations," The 27th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 1993.

  314. Xi Zhang and Aruna Seneviratne, "M-map Upcalls: a methodology for implementing a uniform synchronous interface between protocol layers," 3rd IFIP Conference on High Speed Networks, Berlin, West Germany, March 1991.

  315. Xi Zhang and Aruna Seneviratne, "A novel approach for data transfer through protocols," IEEE International Conference on Communication System, Singapore, November 1990.

  316. Xi Zhang and Aruna Seneviratne, "An efficient implementation of a high-speed protocol without data copying," IEEE 15th Conference on Local Computer Networks, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 1990.

  317. Xi Zhang and Aruna Seneviratne, "Buffer management for the efficient implementation of a standardized transport protocol," International Conference on Fast Packet Switching Networks, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, July 1990.

  318. Xi Zhang, "Design and performance analysis of a hybrid protocol: TP-CSMA/CD for integrated voice/data LAN," International Telecommunication Technology Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, June 1987.