Address:   331D WERC                                                                
                                                             Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                                             Texas A&M University                                          
                                                             College Station, TX 77843-3259, U.S.A.
                                            E-mail:    xizhang at ece dot tamu dot edu
                                            Phone:     (979) 458-1416 (VOICE)

                                                             (979) 845-2630 (FAX)




Educations and Qualifications: 

Major Awards and Honors:
Selected publications are available online here.
Short BIO:
Professional Experiences
Professor Xi Zhang's Wikipedia
Major Research Interests:
  • Statistics and Information Theory for Quality-of-Services (QoS) Over 6G/Next-Generation Wireless Networks
  • Joint Statistical Delay and Error-Rate Bounded QoS-Exponents in Non-Asymptotic Regimes
  • Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) Systems Using Finite Blocklength Coding (FBC)
  • Sequential Hypothesis Testing for Metaverse Wireless Networks
  • Massive Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (mURLLC)
  • Massive MIMO, Cell-Free Massive MIMO, mmWave, THz, Nano, and UAV Over 6G Mobile Wireless Networks
  • Multi-Tier/Cloud/Edge-Computing/Caching Over Distributed Computing Systems and Data Centers
  • Network Function-Virtualizations (NFV) and Software-Defined Networks (SDN) Architectures
  • Machine Learning for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) Over 6G/Next-Generation Mobile Wireless Networks
  • Statistical Security-QoS Provisioning for mURLLC
  • 3D Wireless Camera Sensor Networks for Multiple Mobile Target Tracking
Major IEEE Journal Editorial Boards and Guest Editors:
Major IEEE/ACM Technical Conference/Symposia Chair Positions:
Invited IEEE/ACM Conferences Keynote Speech Presentations:
Invited IEEE Conferences Tutorials Presentations:
Major IEEE/ACM Technical Program Committee Members:
Spring 2019 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2018 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2018 ECEN 423: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
Fall 2017 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2017 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2017 ECEN 423: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
Fall 2016 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2016 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2016 ECEN 423: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
Fall 2015 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2015 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
FALL 2014 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2012 ECEN 619: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2012 ECEN 489: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
FALL 2011 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2011 ECEN 619-600: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2011 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Fall 2010 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2010 ECEN 619-600: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Spring 2010 ECEN 621: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Fall 2009 ECEN 489: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
Spring 2009 EEEN 621-600: Mobile Wireless Networks 
Spring 2009 ECEN 619-600: Internet Protocols & Modeling 
Fall 2008 ELEN 489-501: Computer & Wireless Communications Networks 
Spring 2008 ELEN 248: Introduction to Digital Systems Design 
Fall 2007 ELEN 689-605: Mobile Wireless Networking 
Fall 2006 ELEN 689-612: Mobile Wireless Networking 
Fall 2005 ELEN 689-602: Mobile Wireless Networking 
Spring 2005 ELEN 689-611: Mobile Wireless Networking 
Fall 2004 ELEN 689-606: Internet Protocols and Modeling 
Fall 2003 ELEN 689-610: Internet Architectures, Protocols, and Modeling 
Spring 2003 ELEN 449: Microprocessor Systems Design