Ruihong Huang

Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing Group

Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3112. USA.

office: 402B HRBB
phone: 979-862-2908

[Publications] [Teaching] [Students] [Professional Activities]
    My research interests are in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, focusing on information extraction, discourse analysis and narrative understanding.
    Events are an important type of information described in news articles, social media texts, and legal documents etc. I develop both supervised and unsupervised machine learning models to extract events and event-event relations such as temporal and causal relations, with the goal to better interpret how and why an event happened and meanwhile to better validate (faked or not), manage, track and even predict events.
    My research interests also include detecting and mitigating the effects of unwanted language and information, such as media bias, online deceptive information or online abusive language, in addition to mining and analyzing subjective information from texts such as morality, opinions, arguments, sentiments and emotions, as well as social science applications of NLP.

A Brief Bio

I received my Ph.D. in School of Computing, University of Utah in July 2014
and completed a postdoc in the NLP group, Stanford University afterwards.
I joined Texas A&M University in September 2015. I have been promoted to associate professor since September 2021.
I am a recipient of a NSF CAREER award.

I am looking for passionate PhD students to work with me.
If you are interested, please apply to our graduate program,
also feel free to drop me an email.


    Accepted papers: Three papers to NAACL 2024;
    Service this year: Area Chair, ACL 2024; Senior Area Chair, EMNLP 2024; Action Editor, Computational Linguistics.



  • "EMONA: Event-level Moral Opinions in News Articles".
    Yuanyuan Lei, Md Messal Monem Miah, Ayesha Qamar, Sai Ramana Reddy, Jonathan Tong, Haotian Xu and Ruihong Huang.
    in Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024).
  • "Polarity Calibration for Opinion Summarization".
    Yuanyuan Lei, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Xiaoyang Wang, Ruihong Huang and Dong Yu.
    in Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024).


PhDs Masters Undergrads Local High School Students


PhDs Masters Undergrads Local High School Students

Professional Activities

  • Senior Program Committee for AAAI 2020.
  • Area Chair (Information Extraction and Text Mining) for ACL 2019.
  • Area Chair (Discourse and Pragmatics) for NAACL 2019.
  • Demonstration Chair for EMNLP 2019.
  • Organized the Second Workshop on Abusive Language Online, co-located with EMNLP-2018, in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Area Chair (Information Extraction) for EMNLP 2018.
  • Standing Reviewing Committee (2018-2020) for Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)
  • Area Chair (Information Extraction) for EMNLP 2016.
  • Program Committee ACL (2012, 2014-2018), NAACL (2015-2016,2018), EMNLP (2015-2017).
  • Program Committee COLING (2016), EACL (2017), AAAI (2015, 2017), IJCAI (2016)
  • Reviewer for the Journal of Computational linguistics.
  • Wrote a book review for "Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging".