Awards and Honors
Dr. Robin R. Murphy
Washington Post Conversation
AUVSI Foundation AI Aube Outstanding Contributor Award.
CMU Field Robotics Institute "Pioneer in Field Robotics".
TIME Magazine, Innovators in Artificial Intelligence.
Survivor Buddy in US News & World Report
"Discover/NSF Grand Challenges of Science: Robotics Online Interview" with article "Machine Dreams" in Discover Magazine May 2010
CNN: Stimulus Money for Robots
"Living with Robots" screened at Sundance
"Dream Job" in IEEE Spectrum
US Air Force Exemplary Civilian Service Award from the US Air Force for distinguished service on the
AF Scientic Advisory Board, 2005.
Profile in TIME Magazine
NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture, \Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue from 9/11 to Now: Where's the
IT?" Nov. 11, 2002. This lecture is given by scientists of the highest caliber and has been compared to the
Turing Award lectures for NSF.
Eagle Award, National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue, 2001. (This is the highest award given
and recognizes leadership in some aspect of search and rescue; in this case for role in introducing ground
robots at the World Trade Center disaster.)
IEEE Distinguished Visitor, IEEE Computer Society, 2001-2002.
Nils Nilsson Technical Achievement Award, American Association for Articial Intelligence, 2000.
Minority Engineering Program Outstanding Faculty Award, Colorado School of Mines Minority Engi-
neering Program, 1997-8
Defense Science Study Group, Institute for Defense Analyses, DoD, 1998-1999.
"Colorado Institute Equity Excellence Award," Colorado Institute for Gender Equity, 1997.