Testing and ATPG

Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) is an important problem in VLSI testing, enabling a designer to automatically create tests to check for manufacturing defects in a design. We have developed a methodology to speed up combinational ATPG using multi-level Don't Cares. The resulting tool is about 30% faster than a commercial ATPG tool (with no aborted faults unlike the commercial tool). In addition, We have also worked on the design of scan flip-flops in a manner that reduces test power by 14%. Another line of work explores the use of pulsed flip-flops in enhanced scan as well as launch-on-shift flip-flops, which are 14% faster than traditional enhanced scan cells. We have also accelerated fault dictionary generation on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform, obtaining a 20X speedup (80X projected if we use a 8-GPU server) over a serial algorithm. Finally, we have developed a fault simulator on the GPU, which is 35X faster (estimated 240X speedup with a 8-GPU server) than a CPU-based implementation, as well as a fault table generator on the GPU.

Publications, patents and artefacts: