VIKI is a tool for organizing information. VIKI allows you to manipulate visual objects in a 2 dimensional space. Each object contains information -- in this case, each existing object you will see initially contains an article from an on-line magazine. You may create new objects too, if you wish. The instructions will tell you how to use objects.
VIKI also allows you to create new spaces inside the current space. These new spaces are called collections, since they collect objects together. Objects may be put inside collections, and collections may be manipulated in various ways. Again, the instructions will tell you how to use collections.
Other helpful facilities like Search and Zoom are introduced in these instructions. You will also notice menu items not covered in these instructions -- feel free to try them out or ignore them. You may also ask us about them at the conclusion of the experiment.
VIKI is a research prototype. Save your work often! To do this, use the pull down menu on File (which will turn yellow when you have unsaved changes).
You'll find an option on this menu called Save.
Please notify one of us in the event of a crash so we can start up the program for you.