Old Web Page for
CPSC 320(H) Artificial Intelligence:
Spring 2002


*. Final grades are available!!
*. Prj2 score breakdown is available.
*. Cumulative scores and Prj1 score breakdown are available.
*. Project 2: Download the three theorems in Lisp.
*. Project 2: see assignments section for details.
*. All email submissions should be in PLAIN ASCII TEXT.
*. Do not send word docs.

Keep an eye on this news box for the latest.

This page is no longer in use.

Goals | Textbook | Admin | Topics | Grading | Acad. Policy | Resources | Calendar | Weekly Sched | Lecture Notes | Assignments


Dr. Yoonsuck Choe
Email: choe at tamu.edu
Office: HRBB 322B
Phone: 845-5466
Office hours: MWF 1:30-2:30PM.


Lydia Tapia
Email: ltapia at tamu.edu
Office: HRBB 506A
Phone: 862-2326
Office hours: M 1:30-2:30pm; TU/TH 4:00-5:00pm; by appointment otherwise.


CPSC 311, Min GPR 3.4


MWF 12:40-1:30PM, HRBB 126.


To understand the problems in AI and learn the diverse approaches to solve the problems:
  1. traditional AI techniques (search, pattern matching, logic, theorem proving, etc.) to tangible problems.
  2. modern approaches in AI (learning, genetic algorithms, etc.).
  3. inspirations from processes in the brain.


Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
ISBN 0-13-103805-2
Book Homepage

Administrative Trivia:

  1. Computer accounts: if you do not have a unix account, ask for one on the CS web page. We will be using the GNU Common Lisp as our main language. You can choose your own language to use for the assignments, but you have to first get permission from the instructor.
  2. GNU Common Lisp:
    Installed in /usr/local/bin/gcl on all CS unix machines (robert, dogbert, etc.).

Topics to be covered:

See the Calendar section below for reading and other assignments for each week.
  1. Introduction : 1 week
  2. LISP : 1 week
  3. Search : 3 weeks
  4. Game Playing : 1 week
  5. Propositional Logic, Predicate Calculus : 4 weeks
  6. Learning : 2 weeks
  7. Special Topics : 2 weeks


  1. Exam: midterm (25%), final(25%)
  2. Homeworks: 12% (about 3 paper-pencil and/or small programming homeworks)
  3. Mini-projects: 38% (about 2 to 3 projects)
  4. Seminar credit: 2% credit for each seminar you attend, upto 4 talks (total of 8%): see CS research page for the list of seminars. See also lecture#7 slides (pp. 2-3) for more detail.
The cutoff for an `A' will be at most 90%, 80% for a `B', 70% for a `C', and 60% for a `D'. However, these cutoffs might be lowered at the end of the semester to accomodate the actual distribution of grades.

Academic Policy:

All incidents of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the university policy. No exceptions.

* Homeworks should be done individually, and without collaboration, unless otherwise noticed. Discussions are encouraged, but the final write up must be in your own words. All references must be properly cited, including internet web pages (URL must be provided). If plagarism is detected, i.e. without proper citation and quotation, you will automatically receive an F. When in doubt, please ask the instructor if it is reasonable to include other's work in your assignments.

* Projects may be done in collaboration if explicitly stated so by the instructor.


  1. Grodon Novak's AI Course and Risto Miikkulainen's AI Course at the University of Texas at Austin (CS381K).
    * many ideas in the current lectures were borrowed from these courses
  2. LISP online manual from the book Common Lisp, the Language (NEW: 2/3/02)
  3. LISP quick reference
  4. GCL manual (very in-depth and technical).
  5. GNU Common Lisp
  6. Lisp resources
  7. CPSC 320 : Dr. Daugherty's course page, by Lydia Tapia (your TA). this course)
  8. My general resources page
Interesting Stuff:
  1. Little wings, big flap: insect flight.


* Total of 41 classes, including in-class mid-term: first class; 1/14, last class; 4/29.
			   * 2 0 0 2 *

       January               February                 March        
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
       1  2  3  4  5                   1  2                   1  2
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12    3  4  5  6  7  8  9    3  4  5  6  7  8  9
13 14 15 16 17 18 19   10 11 12 13 14 15 16   10 11 12 13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23 24 25 26   17 18 19 20 21 22 23   17 18 19 20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30 31         24 25 26 27 28         24 25 26 27 28 29 30
        April                   May           
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   
    1  2  3  4  5  6             1  2  3  4  
 7  8  9 10 11 12 13    5  6  7  8  9 10 11 
14 15 16 17 18 19 20   12 13 
21 22 23 24 25 26 27   
28 29 30               
Date Activity/Events
1/14 First day of class
1/17 Last day to drop course w/o record
1/21 MLK Day : no class
2/17 Program Assignment #1 due
3/1 Mid-Term Exam: in class 12:40p-1:30p, HRBB126
3/4 Mid-semester grades due
3/11-15 Spring Break: no classes
3/24 Project #1 (8-puzzle) due
4/2 Last day for Q-drop
4/29 Last class.
5/6 Final Exam: 10:30am-12:30pm.
5/13 Final grades due

Weekly Schedule and Class Notes

Lecture notes (in PDF format) (all notes will be put in this directory)
  1. Week 1:
    Chapter 1 up till and including 1.2 :required
    Section 1.3-end of chapter 1: optional
    Chapter 26 pp. 817-824 (up till, but not including mathematical objections): required
    Sections 26.4-end of chapter 26: required.
  2. Week 2 : Lisp quick reference : required
    Quick reference
    * I recommend that you try out the examples in the reference guide using gcl on the departmental unix machines.

    Lisp drill (symbolic differentiation): handout will be available in class during week 2.

  3. Week 3 :
    Chapter 3: sections 3.3-3.7 (required)
    Other sections: optional
    Chapter 4: upto, and including 4.2 (required).
  4. Week 4 :
    Chapter 4: 4.3--4.5 (required)
    Chapter 5: 5.1--5.3 (required)
    Chapter 5: 5.4--5.8 (required)
    Project 1: 8-puzzle with various search methods
  5. Week 5 :
    Chapter 6: 6.3-6.4 (required)
    See Chapter 9 for theorem proving (optional; this lectures will cover these techniques applied to propositional logic)
  6. Week 6 :
    Chapter 7: 7.1--7.3 (required)
  7. Week 7 :
    Chapter 9: required Chapter 10 sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4: required
  8. Week 8 :
    Chapter 10: required
  9. Week 9 :
    Spring Break
  10. Week 10 :
    Chapter 14: required
  11. Week 11 :
    Chapter 15: required
    Homework 2: unification, resolution, and probablistic reasoning.
    Project 2: theorem proving
  12. Week 12 :
    Chapter 19: required
  13. Week 13 :
    Chapter 19: required
  14. Week 14 :
    Chapter 18 (18.1-18.5): required
  15. Week 15 :
    Final exam review.
* When reading the chapters, you do not have to memorize everything. A separate list of terms you need to know will be handed out prior to each exam. *


  1. Programming assignment 1 (=homework 1): see lecture slide #5 (symbolic differentiation and simplification). Due by 2/15/02 midnight: new deadline is 2/17/02 Sunday midnight.

  2. Project 1: see lecture slide #11 (eight-puzzle with various search strategy). Due by 3/22/02 Friday 3/24/02 Sunday midnight.
  3. Homework 2: see lecture slide #28. Due by 4/8/02 Monday before the class.
  4. Project 2: see lecture slide #28(resolution theorem prover). Due by 4/29/02 Monday 9am. 5% penalty for each day late, up till 5/6/02 Monday 9am (no extensions thereafter).

    *. Download the unification program: sunify.lsp

Last Updated : hits since 1/2002.

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