3D reconstruction of Golgi data: Golgi-stained neuron is reconstructed in 3D. [More images] [More nuggets]

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Data and Animations
  1. Nugget collection:
    A collection of all "nuggets" (images from research results along with breif explanation) that appear in the BNL web site.
  2. Knife-edge scanning microscope (KESM):
    Photos of KESM exterior and some closeups.
  3. Data fly-throughs:
    Some Golgi- and Nissl-stained tissue scan data (fly-throughs).
  4. 3D reconstruction:
    3D reconstruction of neuron morphology and microvasculature.
  5. 3D brain atlas:
    3D modeling of whole brain volumes. Finite-element modeling.
  6. Reconstruction algorithms:
    Reconstruction results generated with our polymerization algorithm for 3D modeling of neuron morphology.