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A suite of simulation experiments were performed to determine the performance of the proposed establishment protocol. This allowed us to analyze the behavior of the protocol for different network topologies, varying network loads and bandwidth requirements of the connections. We assumed two different network topologies, a 4x4 Mesh with 16 four-port switches and 12 hosts and a 6x6 Torus with 36 five-port switches and 36 hosts.

For the simulations we assumed exponential distributions for both connection interarrival times ( with tex2html_wrap_inline2061 being the arrival rate ), and connection durations ( with tex2html_wrap_inline2063 being the service rate ).

For each of the experiments, we assumed a network topology and increased the load on the network by repeatedly generating random connections which arrive in the network at a rate of tex2html_wrap_inline2061 , trying to establish them, and if they do get admitted into the network, tear them down at a rate of tex2html_wrap_inline2063 . ( For simplicity, we restricted ourselves to connections with identical traffic parameters. ) As our criteria for evaluating the performance, we measured the average number of currently admitted connections in the network, during steady state. A related measure is the average link utilization, which shows how much the accepted connections utilize the existing links.gif

As a reference for comparison, we use the centralized admission control described in Section 2. We recall that the centralized algorithm is an optimal admission control test, in that, given a set of connections, the test fails if and only if Recurrence Relation (1) is violated for at least one of the connections. Both the distributed and centralized algorithms operate on-line, that is, without any knowledge of future connection arrivals. Since we are not addressing routing in this work, we use the simplest possible routing algorithm, in our case X-Y routing. With a confidence level of 95%, the confidence intervals for all depicted results are below 2% of their absolute value. The interval at which we sample the number of connections admitted in the network is chosen sufficiently large to eliminate correlation effects.

Figure 10: Experimental Results for Varying tex2html_wrap_inline1597 and tex2html_wrap_inline1599

Conditions 1 and 2 used to determine the residual time leave some room in recalculating the blocking guards. Formula (8) attempts to distribute the residual time equally over the route of the connection. This basic allocation formula can be modified to vary the allocation of residual time, such as allocating more residual time toward the sender (causing lower values for the blocking guards) or toward the receiver (resulting in higher blocking guards). Two effects are traded off when updating the value for the blocking guard. On one hand, a large value for the blocking guard gives more room to accept connections downstream from the switch, whereas smaller blocking guards tend make it more difficult to accept connections downstream. On the other hand, future connections upstream are penalized by a larger blocking guard, since the latter causes higher values for guard-based calculated worst-case blocking times tex2html_wrap_inline2073 .

Figure 10 illustrates the effect of varying the allocation of residual time on the number of accepted connections for a fixed load. In this series of experiments, we attempted to allocate the residual time in the form tex2html_wrap_inline2075 , and plotted the performance for varying tex2html_wrap_inline1597 's. The results are collected for an interarrival rate of tex2html_wrap_inline1599 and different bandwidth requirements of connections. This indicates that overall, the best results in terms of number of connections accepted are obtained with for a value of tex2html_wrap_inline1597 close to 1.0, which corresponds to the equal distribution approach defined in Formula (8). We will thus focus our attention on data generated using Formula (8) for the remaining analyses.

Figure 11: Experimental Results on a 4x4 Mesh and 6x6 Torus

Figure 11 (a) shows the experimental results for the 4x4 Mesh. The results are for worst-case message lengths tex2html_wrap_inline1685 of one time unit and varying interarrival times tex2html_wrap_inline1687 of 20, 100, 1000 and 2000 units. For example the case of tex2html_wrap_inline2087 and tex2html_wrap_inline2089 corresponds to the requirements of uncompressed CD audio over 640 Mb/s links. As to be expected, the number of accepted connections increases with increasing arrival rate. Also, obvious is the fact the high-bandwidth connections show lower acceptance probabilities, owing to the fact that they generate higher blocking delays. We see that the centralized admission control scheme performs better. Having access to a global state of the network at all times enables the centralized scheme to optimally allocate resources and admit a larger number of connections.

To compare the performance of the algorithm for different network topologies, we performed a similar set of experiments on a 6x6 Torus topology, shown in Figure 11 (b). This topology has a higher host-per-link ratio and thus less contention for links among connections. This is reflected in the higher numbers for accepted connections.

From the above graphs, we see that although the number of accepted connections increases with tex2html_wrap_inline2061 , the rate of acceptance decreases. Also evident is the fact that for the same tex2html_wrap_inline2061 value, lower bandwidth requirements yield in higher number of connections being accepted. This is verified in the Mesh topology for a tex2html_wrap_inline2061 value of 300 and a bandwidth requirement of 1/2000, where the percentage of accepted connections is 66/300 = 22%. Maintaining the same arrival rate, we observe that if the bandwidth requirement is doubled to 2/2000, the percentage of accepted connections drops to 61/300 = 20.33%, which is not a significant drop. If instead of doubling the bandwidth requirement, we double the arrival rate to 600, the percentage of accepted connections drops significantly to 86.45/600 = 14.4%. This illustrates the well known fact that in wormhole networks, the blocking delays are substantially more sensitive to an increase of the number of connections than of the bandwidth requirements per connection.

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Riccardo Bettati
Fri Jul 11 18:14:48 CDT 1997