CPSC-662: Distributed Computing Systems: Course Overview, Slides
- Introduction to Distributed Systems and Distributed OSs
- Definitions
- Network OSs vs. distributed OSs
- Research and design issues
- Interlude 1: Modeling Reliability of Distributed Systems (1)
- Definitions
- Combinatorial Analysis
- Interlude 1.5 and Interlude 2: Modeling Reliability Part II (1)
- Combinatorial Analysis (cont)
- Markov Modeling
- Interlude 2.5: Modeling Reliability Part II (2)
- Combinatorial Analysis (cont)
- Markov Modeling
- Interprocess Communication
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- IPC primitives
- Message passing: issues
- Communication schemes
- Remote Procedure Calls
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- The RPC model
- Primitives/issues
- Case study: Sun RPC
- Distributed Object Oriented Technology
- Object-oriented programming
- Objects in distributed systems
- Interlude: P2P systems
- Unstructured vs. Structured P2P Systems
- Chords/Pastry
- Object model
- CORBA architecture
- CORBA services
- Some practical considerations
- Distributed Synchronization
- Problems in synchronization in distributed systems
- Synchronization vs. mutual exclusion
- Centralized and distributed synchronization algorithms
- Group Communication
- Multicast vs. unicast
- Multicast communication
- Atomic multicast
- Virtual Synchrony
- Limitation of causal and atomic group communication
- Whetten's algorithm
- Another Case Study: HydraNet-FT
- Distributed Shared Memory
- Shared memory systems
- Consistency models
- Distributed shared memory
- DSM Case Study: Java/DSM
- DSM Case Study: MultiJav
- Naming
- Overview
- Atomic Transactions
- The transaction model, ACID properties
- Primitives
- Implementations: 2-phase locking, timestamp-based.
- Distributed File Systems
- File system services
- Issues in distributed file systems
- Sun NFS
- Coda
- Large-Scale Computing: Systems
Riccardo Bettati
Last modified: Mar 2, 2005