Title: Hype, Myths and Promising Technologies for Future Wireless
Date: August 6 (Wednesday), 2008
Brief Biography:
Reinaldo A. Valenzuela obtained his B.Sc. at the University of Chile, and his Ph.D. from Imperial College of Sc. and Tech., U. of London, England. At Bell Laboratories, he carried out indoor microwave propagation measurements and developed statistical models. He also worked on packet reservation multiple access for wireless systems and optical WDM networks. He became Manager, Voice Research Dept., at Motorola Codex, involved in the implementation integrated voice and data packet systems. On returning to Bell Laboratories he was involved in propagation measurements and ray tracing propagation prediction. He received the Distinguished Member of Technical Staff award and is Director of the Wireless Communications Research Department. He is currently engaged in MIMO / space time systems achieving high capacities using transmit and receive antenna arrays. He has published over one hundred papers and has twelve patents. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has been editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications and the IEEE Transactions on Wireless.
Title: Mobile Agents for Adaptive Reconfigurable Wireless Networks
Date: August 7 (Thursday), 2008
In addition to overcoming the vagaries of propagation impairments and interference in wireless channels, designs of wireless ad hoc networks are challenged by changing network configurations due to node mobility. To meet these challenges, ad hoc networking solutions should incorporate distributed intelligence that enables network nodes to autonomously adapt to changes in networking environments and network configurations. By propagating software codes to mobile nodes for executing and allowing them to spawn new codes for propagation to other nodes, mobile agents can provide an effective solutions for these challenges. This presentation provides an overview of the use of mobile agents in ad hoc networks, especially in their practical realization for wireless personal communications and wireless sensor networking. In the first example, we describe the Bluescout mobile agents for scatternet formation in Bluetooth networks, which adaptively reconfigures the Bluetooth scatternet to maximize the size of individual piconets. In the second example, we present the design of a mobile agent platform for wireless sensor networks known as Wiseman, and describe a limited experimental implementation of Wiseman and its evaluation. The presentation concludes with discussions of open research issues concerning the application of mobile agents in wireless networks, and potential applications of mobile agents in wireless networks of the future.
Brief Biography:
Victor C. M. Leung received the B.A.Sc. (Hons.) degree in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia (U.B.C.) in 1977, and was awarded the APEBC Gold Medal as the head of the graduating class in the Faculty of Applied Science. He attended graduate school at U.B.C. on a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship and completed the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 1981.
From 1981 to 1987, Dr. Leung was a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Microtel Pacific Research Ltd. (later renamed MPR Teltech Ltd.), specializing in the planning, design and analysis of satellite communication systems. He also held a part-time position as Visiting Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University in 1986 and 1987. In 1988, he was a Lecturer in the Department of Electronics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He returned to U.B.C. as a faculty member in 1989, where he is currently a Professor and the holder of the TELUS Mobility Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a member of the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems at U.B.C. He also holds a Guest Professor appointment at Jilin University, China. Dr. Leung has authored/co-authored more than 350 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests are in the areas of architectural and protocol design and performance analysis for computer and telecommunication networks, with applications in satellite, mobile, personal communications and high speed networks.
Dr. Leung is a registered professional engineer in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a voting member of ACM. He serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, the IEEE Transactions on Computers, the International Journal of Sensor Networks and the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. He has guest-edited several journal special issues, and served on the technical program committee of numerous international conferences. He is the TPC chair of the wireless networks and cognitive radio track of IEEE VTC-fall 2008 in Calgary, AB. He was the General Chair of QShine 2007 in Vancouver, BC, and Symposium Chair for Next Generation Mobile Networks in IWCMC’07 in Honolulu, Hawaii and IWCMC’06 in Vancouver, BC. He was a General Co-chair of ACM MSWiM’05 in Montreal, Canada, and a TPC Vice-chair of IEEE WCNC’05 in New Orleans, USA. |