International Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing Conference

August 6-8, 2008

Crete Island, Greece


1. Registration Deadline is June 8, 2008 (FIRM) for papers to be included in the IWCMC 2008 Proceedings and therefore in the IEEE Xplore.

2. All registrations must be done through:

3. Registration Rates.

Author (IEEE or ACM Member) 420 Euro (by June 8, 2008) OR 480
Euro (After June 8, 2008)
Author (non-member) 480 Euro (by June 8, 2008) OR
550 Euro (After June 8, 2008)
Non-Author (IEEE or ACM Member) 320 Euro (by June 8, 2008) OR 380
Euro (After June 8, 2008)
Non-Author (non-member) 350 Euro (by June 8, 2008)
OR 400 Euro (After June 8, 2008)







Extra Conference Reception Ticket: 45 Euro

Extra Conference Banquet Ticket: 65 Euro

Additional Copy of Conference Proceedings: 50 Euro