Project Overview

For my final project I decided to combine the Blenshape assignment and the Particle dynamic assignment (actually the cloth simulation assignemt and the related labs) to create a game like environment with moving objects and a belnshape character.


I wanted this design to be in 2D. The camera control is in 3D, but the object movement is in 2D as it only moves in 2 dimentions. As per my below initial perspective of the project, I rendered 2 seperate scense on the screen. One for the character which will have different facial expressions, and one for the so called board of the game.


The goal was to have multiple objects on the screen. One of the objects would be a chaser object which moves around the board to collect scores by colliding wht other staionary objects. Depending on the score achieved, the facial expression of the character would change to represent happiness or sadness.


With the time I had I managed to render the character and board seperatly and place an object on the board which can be moved by keyboard shortcuts and its movement will trigger a change in the facial expression of the character. The way it functions right now is that when the object is moved to some certain regions of the board, the character will start changing its expression. When the object exits that region the character's face goes back to its neutral gesture.