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Decomposed Method


In order to compare our new method with the decomposed method, we summarize the decomposed method discussed in [8, 9]. Assume that Server k serves n+1 connections. Similarly, let tex2html_wrap_inline2280 and tex2html_wrap_inline2282 be the input and output traffic functions of Connection i, and tex2html_wrap_inline2286 and tex2html_wrap_inline2288 be the constraint functions of input and output traffic of Connection i, for tex2html_wrap_inline2292 . Furthermore, we denote tex2html_wrap_inline2225 as the local delay bound suffered by all input traffic at server k.


Now we use the decomposed method to study the example presented in Section 4.

For this, we assign the middle output port of the k-th switch as the k-th server in the network. We also denote tex2html_wrap_inline2225 as the local delay bound suffered by all traffic at the k-th server. Using the above theorem, we have that




and for k>2


Therefore, the end-to-end delay bound tex2html_wrap_inline2231 for Connection 0 is computed by Algorithm Decomposed as


Riccardo Bettati
Wed Jul 14 18:25:49 CDT 1999