
For my final project I created an underwater scene with 4 different types of animated sea life, and a free look camera that can be moved in all 4 directions. I was inspired to create this by my love of SCUBA diving. Unfortuantley I have not been able to go diving since March of this year so I have to make due with this animation instead.

Techniques Featured

  • Procedural Animation : using vertex shader and weightmasks to make the sea life swim
  • Particles : used for the bubbles emmited from the sea life
  • Randomized Splines : sea life follow random spline paths
  • Scene Creation : Scenes can be created using ascii files
  • Textures : makes everything prettier


  • W : moves camera forward
  • A : moves camera left
  • S : moves camera backward
  • D : moves camera right
  • Q : moves camera up
  • Space : Pauses/Plays animation
  • Camera floats downward when not pressing Q

Scene Loading

scenes are loading using an ASCII file with custom syntax that I implemented for my project.


