CSCE 645/VIZA 675: Geometric Modeling

Fall 2015


9/1Introduction to Class; Points, Vectors and Barycentric Coordinates
Parametric/Implicit Forms
1-2.5, 3.5
9/3Curves and Interpolation: Vandermonde, Lagrange, Hermite3.1-3.2, 7.1-7.5
9/8The Bernstein Basis and Bezier Curves4.1, 5.1-5.4
9/10Least Squares Curve Generation, Rational Representations, Splines and Continuity7.8, 12.1-12.2, 13.1-13.3
9/15Class cancelled
9/17Blossoming and B-splines4.4, 8.1-8.9
9/22Blossoming and B-splines
Project Proposal Due
4.4, 8.1-8.9
9/24B-splines and Catmull-Rom Splines10.1-10.4, 19.1-19.7
9/29Differential Geometry for Curves and Surfaces
9/30Homework 1 Due
10/1Tensor-Product Surfaces14.1-14.12
10/6Bezier Triangles and Multi-Sided Patches17.1-17.6
10/8Generalized Barycentric Coordinates
10/13Class cancelled
10/15Class cancelled
10/20Generalized Barycentric Coordinates
Diffusion Curves
10/22Coons and Gregory Patches
Project Update #1 Due
15.2, 22.1-22.6
10/27Subdivision Curves21.1
10/28Homework 2 Due
10/29Subdivision Curves
Subdivision Surfaces
11/3Subdivision Surfaces21.2-21.7
11/5Analysis of Subdivision Schemes
11/10Boundary Representations and Topology21.9
11/11Homework 3 Due
11/12Surface Simplification
Project Update #2 Due
11/17Implicit Representations of Surfaces
11/19Implicit Representations of Surfaces
11/26Thanksgiving - Class Cancelled
12/1Free-form Deformations16.8
12/2Homework 4 Due
12/3Surface Parameterization
12/8First Set of Final Project Presentations
12/11Final Project Report/Presentation Due (3pm-5pm)