
Odor Tracking with an Electronic Nose

Project Type: Machine Olfaction, Mechatronics, Pattern Recognition

Advisors: Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, Agustin Gutierrez-Galvez

Project Description:

In order to track odor trails, animals rely on their ability to detect changes or gradients in the concentration of volatile compounds, which may be embedded in a complex olfactory scene. The goal of his project is to develop signal processing procedures to reconstruct the changes in concentration of odor mixtures through the response of a gas sensor array. A working dynamic odor mixing system, developed by a previous group, will be used to generate mixtures of odors. This system will be used to simulate the odor gradients that an animal experiences when tracking an odor trail.

Major Goals:

  1. Develop procedures to simulate concentration gradients during odor tracking
  2. Develop procedures to recover the concentration profiles from the sensor array response
  3. Improve the dynamic mixing system by adding new odor dilution and sensor heating profiles, and by improving existing interface circuits


  1. Improved odor mixing and sensor excitation procedures
  2. Signal processing algorithms to recover concentration profiles
  3. Schematic diagrams, parts list and instructions to assemble the system
  4. Project documentation, as described in the course syllabus
  5. Live demonstration