This is the World Wide Web page for CSCE 312, sections 504 through 511, Spring 2022. It contains several links to important information about the course. The contents of this page will change over the course of the semester.
Here is the syllabus for the course. It contains a description of the course, including how much each test is worth and so forth.
Here is the schedule for our class. Think of it as a tentative moving target. Some links don't work. They will work by the time you need them, probably.
Recordings of our classes are here (you need to be on campus or on the VPN to see these).
Learn more about the study abroad opportunity in Spain here.
Here is a previous exam that might help you study for the midterm.
Here is a previous second exam that might help you study for the second exam.
This page was put together by the professor, Daniel A. Jiménez (