CSCE 315 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 5/28/14, 02:43PM (Wed)

Newest transactions will be posted on the top. Regularly view this page to see what's going on between other students and the instructor.

All sensitive material such as your name, email address, etc. will be removed, and also any part of code that is not relevant to the discussion will not be uploaded here.

Article List

Date: 05/28 Title: Team assignment
Date: 05/28 Title: Neat compiler trick
Date: 05/28 Title: Random Tips


Date: 05/28 Title: Team assignment

Team 1: Cano, Crane, Xue, Chang Olmos

Team 2: Huseman, Draughon, Wagner, McIntosh, Olmos Chang

Team 3: Nguyen, Sanchez, Shen, Liu

Team 4: Momin,Kus, Malik, Fox

Team 5: Thabit, Lueking, Spear, Johnsen, McIntosh

Don't want your team to be like this:

Date: 05/28 Title: Neat compiler trick

Here's a small trick to make it easier to define tokens and their corresponding
strings. See Steve Oualline, Practical C++ Programming, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 1995. pp460-461.

//  Using the define trick to generate tokens and their strings

#define _TOK T(_tik),T(_tak),T(_tok),T(_toe)

#define T(X) X
enum TOKTYPE { _TOK };

#undef T
#define T(X) #X
char TOKSTR[4][20]={ _TOK };

// The above is equivalent to

enum TOKTYPE { _tik, _tak, _tok, _toe };

char TOKSTR[4][20]={"_tik", "_tak", "_tok", "_toe" };

Date: 05/28 Title: Random Tips
Here are some random tips to keep you sane during this semester:

1. Start small.
   - Do not type up a huge draft code and hope it to compile.
   - Instead, write small portions at a time, compile, debug,
     and move on to the next part.
   - It's okay to write dummy routines that does nothing, if 
     you want to see the overall structure.

2. Commenting.

   - Sometimes it helps to write section headings within
     a function, especially long ones.

       // 1. Compute initial guess

       // 2. Main loop: iteratively improve solution


   - Don't go overboard on this though (that is, don't make it
     into subsections, subsubsections, etc.). 

3. Divide-and-conquering the DB parser

    - The parser can be divided up into different parts so that
      all team members can work on it simultaneously.
    - For example, (1) main query, (2) commands, and (3) conditions.

4. Team issues

    - If you have any issues with your team, let the instructor know
      as soon as possible. Don't wait until the deadline to report this.
    - How do you know if you have an issue?
      - team member not showing up for team meetings.
      - team member not responding to emails.

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