CSCE 181 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 1/9/12, 03:18PM (Mon)

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Article List

Date: 05/08 Title: Final grade criteria and extra short report, long report
Date: 03/29 Title: Long report details
Date: 02/28 Title: Grading criteria amendment


Date: 05/08 Title: Final grade criteria and extra short report, long report
Hi everyone,

This article contains two very important announcements:

        Part I:  Determining your pass/fail grade.
        Part II: Final call for missed report submission.


[Part I]===========================================================

Scores for all assignments should now be available from elearning.

Here's how you can determine if you will pass/fail. You must fulfill both
the minor requirement and the writing requirement to pass.

1. Minor requirements

        (1) Total attendance >= 8
        (2) Number of passed quizzes = 3
        (3) Number of uploaded questions = 3

        PASS = (1) AND { (2) OR (3) }

        * Example:
                if you got all three, you pass.
                if you got (1) and (2) but failed (3), you pass.
                if you got (1) and (3) but failed (2), you pass.
                Otherwise, you fail.

2. Writing requirements

        (1) At least 5 short reports with score >= 7/10
        (2) Long report score >= 70

        PASS = (1) AND (2)

        * You have to get both to pass.

[Part II]=====================================================

You may submit 1 extra short report and the long report (resubmission
accepted) by Wednesday 5/9, 11:59pm. No late submission will be accepted.
10% standard late penalty will apply to these last minute submissions. Email
directly to Stephen.

Date: 03/29 Title: Long report details
The long report should be 5-7 pages in length, with the same margin, font,
and line spacing as the short reports.

The word count should be at the minimum 2000 words, excluding the words in
the reference section.

1. Topic can be anything pertaining to computer science.

2. The draft has the following requirement.

                  - Rough draft, unedited. It needs to have
                    all major sections in it. Some sections may
                    be incomplete but a majority of the sections
                    should be mostly complete.
                  - If it is more than 50% incomplete, you will not
                    get a passing grade.

3. The final version should meet the same quality standard as the
   short report.

Date: 02/28 Title: Grading criteria amendment

Here are some statistics up to this point, which does not look very good.

        * 13 with more than 2 absences

        * 28 who got 0 on either SR1 or SR2 or both (upcoming revisions not
          accounted for)

        * 21 who did not take quiz 1 or quiz 2.

        * # of students affected by one of more of the above: 39.

        * # of students who failed all: 6.

At this rate, about 40% of the class will fail to pass this course, which
is unacceptable.

To fix this situation, I will give everyone a second chance:

        1. You may submit up to three extra reports by the end of the
           semester to meet the "six short reports with >= 7 points / 10"
           requirement. The extra reports have to be on a new subject,
           i.e., it cannot be a revision of some of your earlier reports.
           Extra reports can be submitted at any time.

        2. You may take or retake quiz 1 and/or quiz 2 by visiting

        3. Attendence requirement will be modified to "fail for
           more than 3 unexcusable abscences".

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