CPSC 315-600 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 9/2/10, 09:02AM (Thu)

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Article List

Date: 12/03 Title: Project 3 clarification
Date: 12/02 Title: Course Feedback
Date: 9/02 Title: Team project clarification


Date: 12/03 Title: Project 3 clarification
One team asked if they can use a pre-made php discussion forum.

The answer is "yes".

If your team is implementing a similar facility from scratch, please indicate that in your report. I'll give you 5 extra points (out of 100 total) for your effort.

Check with me if other similar subsystem you are implementing is eligible for extra credit.

Date: 12/02 Title: Course Feedback

CSCE 315: Fall 2010, feedback from the students.

Compiled by Yoonsuck Choe based on comments from all teams. NOTE: This is not a formal course evaluation!

Thu Dec 2 17:01:26 CST 2010

Project #1 was most difficult but also good since it was well defined.

For project #1, make sure all teams implement the parser correctly so that they are compatible with the other teams.

Project #2 network protocol could have been defined more precisely.

Project #3 was good because it gave so much freedom.

Positive aspects: Real team experience, much improved coding skills, learned a lot, helped catch up with stuff that should have known, lots of APIs, really intense, diversity of projects, experience on big projects, GUI was fun, exposure to different development paradigms (Agile, etc.)

Changing teams after each project was somewhat distracting and took 3-5 days in the beginning of each project to adjust.

Consider making it a 4-credit course! It felt like a 16-credit course!

Consider switching lab and class (MWF <-> TR). Each lab, at 50 minutes, is too short.

Mostly skip individual assignment and go straight into project #1. Project #2 and #3 had less time given so it was tough.

Have a lot of discussion during the class. Much enjoyed the aspect. After project #1, the ice is broken, so really good discussion can happen, about code, about the subject, etc.

Consider skipping lectures near the end of each project to give students time to work on their project and use that lecture time to meet with their team. Scheduling meeting time outside of class/lab was very difficult.

Would appreciate feedback on the code, as well as grades.

For completed projects, it would be nice if we can look at other teams' code, to see how they did it differently.

Ditch the textbook -- we didn't need it at all!

Provide clearer guidelines for the projects. Dedicate lectures at the beginning of the project to explain philosophy and details. Also, it would be good if you can mention what typically went wrong in the last class, and common problems faced by the students.

Consider pairing Test-Driven Development with project #1. Project #3 is more interactive, and it is hard to come up with an automated test suite.

Consider Android app development project (for project #3?)

Appreciate the hard work by the TA (Tim Mann)!

Additional comments:

Some lectures are somewhat straight-forward and students can just read the slides instead. The time made available by this can be used for discussing code, team activity, or even coding (especially when project deadline is near).

For project #3, distribute experts among the teams. Some teams can end up with many people with PHP, HTML, Javascript expertise and some other teams with none.

Date: 9/02 Title: Team project clarification
For the first team project, you will be allowed to form a team of three.

For the second and the last team project, the team membership will be assigned by the instructor.

For all team projects, each individual team member will be asked to file an individual report that details how the tasks were divided up, how much effort was put in by each of you, etc., so that a fair assessment of individual accomplishment can be done.

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