CPSC 420-500 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 8/25/08, 10:05PM (Mon)

This page will have all relevant email transactions with the students regarding the AI course, so that everyone has equal information regarding the course material.

Newest transactions will be posted on the top. Regularly view this page to see what's going on between other students and the instructor.

All sensitive material such as your name, email address, etc. will be removed, and also any part of code that is not relevant to the discussion will not be uploaded here.

Article List

Date: 11/29 Title: Perceptron clarification
Date: 11/29 Title: Paper URLs
Date: 9/16 Title: Program 2: compiling and turning off tail recursion
Date: 9/09 Title: Program 1 Q/A
Date: 8/25 Title: Nothing here yet


Date: 11/29 Title: Perceptron clarification

[Q] How do I calculate "target-output"? What is target and what is output?

[A] target is the desired output value, and output is the output generated
by the perceptron, given the current connection weights.

For example, here's a training set (table below). The right most column shows 
the "target" values for the boolean function AND.

x       y       | AND
0       0          0
0       1          0
1       0          0
1       1          1

First row: input 0 0, target 0.  Last row: input is 1 1, the target is 1. 
Output is what you get from your perceptron when you plug in 0 0. It is the 
output of the perceptron for the current set of weights. 

Date: 11/29 Title: Paper URLs

Most of the papers you should be able to find on the web without a problem.
Here are the main ones.

Bell 1999


Dean 1998


* you need to be on the campus network to download the link above.

Cohen and Beal 2000


Choe and Smith 2006


Beer 2000


Kwon and Choe 2008


Date: 9/16 Title: Program 2: compiling and turning off tail recursion
Here's how you compile:

; compile
(compile-file "dfs.lsp")

; load the compiled binary
(load "dfs.sparcf")

; run the function
(dfs '((2 9) (4 (1 30) 2) 5))

Here's how you compile, with tail-recursion turned off:

; compile with tail-recursion off
(compile-file "dfs.lsp" :block-compile nil)

; load the compiled binary
(load "dfs.sparcf")

; turn trace on on the recusrive function
(trace dfs-core)

; run the function
(dfs '((2 9) (4 (1 30) 2) 5))

Here's an example run. Bold is what you enter in the Lisp interpreter. * (compile-file "dfs.lsp" :block-compile nil) ; Python version 1.1, VM version UltraSparc/Solaris 7 on 16 SEP 08 09:51:43 pm. ; Compiling: /home/faculty/choe/web_project/625/src/dfs.lsp 25 AUG 08 08:57:56 pm ; Converted DFS. ; Compiling DEFUN DFS: ; Converted DFS-CORE. ; Compiling DEFUN DFS-CORE: ; Converted GOALP. ; Compiling DEFUN GOALP: ; Converted MAKE-NODE-LIST. ; Compiling DEFUN MAKE-NODE-LIST: ; Converted EXPAND. ; Compiling DEFUN EXPAND: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; dfs.sparcf written. ; Compilation finished in 0:00:00. #P"/home/faculty/choe/web_project/625/src/dfs.sparcf" NIL NIL * (load "dfs.sparcf") ; Loading #P"/home/faculty/choe/web_project/625/src/dfs.sparcf". T * (dfs '((2 9) (4 (1 30) 2) 5)) 0: (DFS-CORE ((# # 5))) 0: DFS-CORE returned 30 30 * (trace dfs-core) Warning: Function DFS-CORE already TRACE'd, retracing it. (DFS-CORE) * (dfs '((2 9) (4 (1 30) 2) 5)) 0: (DFS-CORE ((# # 5))) 1: (DFS-CORE ((2 9) (4 # 2) 5)) 2: (DFS-CORE (2 9 (4 # 2) 5)) 3: (DFS-CORE (9 (4 # 2) 5)) 4: (DFS-CORE ((4 # 2) 5)) 5: (DFS-CORE (4 (1 30) 2 5)) 6: (DFS-CORE ((1 30) 2 5)) 7: (DFS-CORE (1 30 2 5)) 8: (DFS-CORE (30 2 5)) 8: DFS-CORE returned 30 7: DFS-CORE returned 30 6: DFS-CORE returned 30 5: DFS-CORE returned 30 4: DFS-CORE returned 30 3: DFS-CORE returned 30 2: DFS-CORE returned 30 1: DFS-CORE returned 30 0: DFS-CORE returned 30 30 *
Date: 9/09 Title: Program 1 Q/A
Miscellaneous Q/As:
  1. [Q] How do I deal with division by zero?
    [A] You don't need to be too thorough on this. Just check for obvious cases in sdiv. For example, if you got (/ x (- 1 1)) as a result of differentiation, trying to evaluate it will give you a divide-by-zero error. This cannot be checked easily in sdiv. So, don't worry about such a case. You need to take care of (/ x 0) though.
  2. [Q] How far should simplification go?
    [A] Just use the ones mentioned in prog1.pdf, those involving identities and/or numbers. You don't need to consider things like x + x to 2x.
  3. [Q] How do I do deriv-eval?
    [A] There are two ways, a simple approach using (eval (list ....)), and a more complex one using recursive expression evaluation. Either one is fine. When doing deriv-eval, assume that only numbers and the differentiation variable are used. For example, avoid something like (+ x (* y 3)) since you'll get an error trying to evaluate y.
Date: 8/25 Title: Nothing here yet
Nothing here yet.

$Id: board.php,v 1.5 2004/08/30 23:54:24 choe Exp $