CPSC 644-600 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 3/19/07, 01:21PM (Mon)

This page will have all relevant email transactions with the students regarding the course, so that everyone has equal information regarding the course material.

Newest transactions will be posted on the top. Regularly view this page to see what's going on between other students and the instructor.

All sensitive material such as your name, email address, etc. will be removed, and also any part of code that is not relevant to the discussion will not be uploaded here.

Article List

Date: 3/19 Title: Semester end-game
Date: 1/14 Title: Welcome


Date: 3/19 Title: Semester end-game
Plan for the remainder of the semester:

1. One more homework:

	o Multiple options from which you can choose from:
	  - sida.m, INF model in XPP
	  - thalamocortical model in XPP, topographica, and more.
	  - these will be *simple* extensions 

	o This will allow you to ease into your final project.
2. Paper commentaries

	o Starting this Wednesday, you will have to write 
	  short paper commentaries. There are about 13 remaining
	  lectures discussing different papers.

	o Choose 6 out of the 13 lectures, read the papers, and
	  submit your paper commentary. Choose papers that are
	  more aligned with your own interest, and your potential

	o Each paper commentary is to be very short:

		1. One short paragraph summarizing the main
		   point(s) of the paper (3-4 sentences, max).

		2. One short paragraph of your critique,
		   again 3-4 sentences max.

3. Project

	o Proposal: a one page proposal is due by 4/6, 3pm HRBB 322B.

		1. The problem
		2. Why it is an important problem
		3. What are existing approaches
		4. What are their limitations
		5. How do you propose to solve it
		6. Why you think it is the case
		7. How will you experimentally verify it

	o Presentation and final report

		- Details TBA

Date: 1/14 Title: Welcome
Welcome to CPSC 644 Cortical Networks.

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