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Integrated Delay Analysis for a Subsystem with Two Multiplexors


In this section, we study a subsystem with two multiplexors, the topology for this subsystem is illustrated in Figure 1. An integrated method for the delay analysis in this system is presented. Although the approach is generic in nature, we will assume that the multiplexors are use a FIFO scheduling policy.


Figure 1: A Subsystem with two Multiplexors.


To evaluate the worst-case delay suffered by traffic, the description for network traffic is needed. We give the following definitions and notations for this purpose.



Similarly, we define the amount of traffic leaving the server as follows:


Referring to the two-server subsystem depicted in Figure 1, we use tex2html_wrap_inline2083 to denote the set of all connections that traverse both Server 1 and Server 2. We use tex2html_wrap_inline2085 to denote the set of all connections that traverse Server 1 only and then leave the subsystem. We use tex2html_wrap_inline2087 to denote the set of all connections that join the subsystem after Server 1 and traverse Server 2 only.

Throughout this paper, we will assume that the traffic of every connection is controlled at the source by a token bucket, that is, for tex2html_wrap_inline2089 or tex2html_wrap_inline2091


Main Results


The delay at a server can be determined once the output traffic at that server is known. The following lemma, which was first presented in [1], addresses this.


Once we know the output traffic of a server, we also know the arrival time for the data leaving at any particular point in time. The following lemma gives the relationship between the output traffic and the data arrival time.



The lemma follows from the definition of function tex2html_wrap_inline2117 . Q.E.D

Similarly, we can formulate when the arriving data will leave the server, as the following lemma shows.



The lemma follows from the definition of function tex2html_wrap_inline2131 . Q.E.D

We can now apply these results to accurately determine the end-to-end delay suffered by traffic as it traversed the two-server subsystem depicted in Figure 1.



During the time interval [0,t), the total amount of traffic arriving at Server 2 is tex2html_wrap_inline2137 . According to Lemma 3, the tex2html_wrap_inline2137 -th bit leaves Server 2 at time tex2html_wrap_inline2141 . Furthermore, these tex2html_wrap_inline2137 contains tex2html_wrap_inline2145 bits coming from Server 1. According to Lemma 2, the tex2html_wrap_inline2145 -th bit arrives at Server 1 at time tex2html_wrap_inline2149 . Therefore, the delay suffered at time t by connections traversing both servers is given as tex2html_wrap_inline2153 . So we have



Unfortunately, Equation (8) is only of theoretical value. This is because it requires the knowledge of internal network traffic (in form of tex2html_wrap_inline2137 ). Since the only information we assume are the traffic constraint functions at the sources, and the traffic is not reshaped internally, the internal network traffic is difficult, if not impossible, to describe. In order to provide a useful integrated method for delay analysis in this subsystem, we need to deeply analyze Equation (8).

The following central theorem in this paper provides an estimation for tex2html_wrap_inline2157 in Lemma 4 To streamline the presentation of the theorem, we define the following auxiliary notations:



See Appendix. Q.E.D

We note that, according to Theorem 1, the end-to-end delay tex2html_wrap_inline2173 of connections traversing both servers can be computed using only bounding functions for the traffic entering the subsystem. This eliminates the problems described earlier with Equation (8) and provides a practical method to analyze end-to-end delays, as we proceed to describe below.

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Riccardo Bettati
Wed Jul 14 18:25:49 CDT 1999