Nano: Resilient Quantum Error-Correction
- NSF project: CCF 0622201
- PI: Andreas Klappenecker
A quantum computer initializes, stores, and manipulates information
using the states of quantum mechanical systems. This has the
tremendous benefit that some computational problems can be solved much
more efficiently on a quantum computer than on any classical
computer. However, engineering a quantum computer is a highly
nontrivial task. One of the main conceptual problems of quantum
computing is that information stored in the state of a quantum system
can get altered over time due to unavaidable interactions with
surrounding quantum systems, an effect that is called decoherence. A
remedy to this fundamental problem is to protect the quantum
information with the help of quantum error-correcting codes. There is
an additional complication, though, as active quantum error correction
cannot be entirely error free, and might introduce new errors when
trying to correct existing ones.
In this project, we developed families of so-called impure quantum
codes that have the feature that no error correction is required for
some error that are likely to occur, and therefore fewer active error
correction steps will be needed. We further developed the theory of
subsystem codes that allow one to balance active and passive error
correction. We introduced the new theory of subsystem codes for
quantum systems of various different levels that is beneficial for
fault-tolerant quantum computation. We developed encoding algorithms
for subsystem codes. Furthermore, we found decoding algorithms for a
class of subsystem codes that are faster than the decoding of
stabilizer codes. These decoding algorithms have the benefit that they
can take advantage of any improvement of decoding algorithms for the
underlying classical codes. We developed the theory of stabilizer
codes over the integers modulo m; these are codes that use a simpler
arithmetic that the arithmetic of finite fields that is commonly used
to contruct quantum error-correcting codes. We also found estimates
for the cod- ing capacity of classical network codes and proved that
quantum entanglement is beneficial for evaluation of functions in a
distributed setting.
The project supported (partially or fully) five graduate students,
including two female students. The project contributed to class
materials for a course on quantum algorithms and for a course on
randomized algorithms. A inter- departmental and interdisciplinary
quantum computing seminar was organized that was attended by faculty
and students of the departments of Computer Sci- ence and Engineering,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics, as well
as member of the local industry.
We are grateful to NSF for supporting this research through award NSF
CCF 0622201.
The following publications resulted from this project:
- A. Klappenecker
On a Generalization of Clifford Codes
10th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science, AQIS'10, 2010
- A. Klappenecker
Clifford Subsystem Codes
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2010,
pages 2667-2671, 2010
- A. Klappenecker, H. Lee, and J.L. Welch
Scheduling Sensors by Tiling Lattices
Parallel Processing Letters, 20(1), pages 3-13, 2010
- P.K. Sarvepalli and A. Klappenecker
Degenerate quantum codes and the quantum Hamming bound
Physical Review A, 81:032318, 2010
- P.K. Sarvepalli and A. Klappenecker.
Encoding Subsystem Codes
Intl. J. on Advances in Security, 2(3):142-155, 2009.
[All Formats]
- P.K. Sarvepalli, A. Klappenecker, and M. Röttler.
Asymmetric Quantum Codes: Constructions, Bounds, and Performance.
Proc. Royal Society A, 465:1645-1672, 2009.
- S.A. Aly and A. Klappenecker.
Constructions of Subsystem Codes over Finite Fields.
Intl. J. of Quantum Information, 7(5):891-912, 2009.
[All Formats]
P.K. Sarvepalli, M. Röttler, and A. Klappenecker.
New Decoding Algorithms for Generalized Shor Codes and a Class of Subsystem Codes.
In Intl. Symp. Inform. Theory, Seoul, Korea, 2009, IEEE Press, 2009.
- P.K. Sarvepalli and A. Klappenecker.
Encoding subsystem codes with and without noisy gauge qubits.
In The Third International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies, 2009. (Best Paper Award).
- A. Klappenecker, A., H. Lee, and J.L. Welch, J.L.
Scheduling Sensors by Tiling Lattices
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2008, Toronto, Canada,
August 18-21, 2008, page 437, 2008.
[extended version]
- A. Klappenecker and P.K. Sarvepalli
Clifford Code Constructions of Operator Quantum
Error-Correcting Codes
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54(12), pages 5760-5765, 2008
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- S.A. Aly and A. Klappenecker
Subsystem code constructions
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2008. ISIT 2008,
pages 369-373, 2008
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- Z. Kong, S.A. Aly, E. Soljanin, E. Yan, and A. Klappenecker
Network Coding Capacity of Random Wireless Networks under
a Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Model
In: Proc. of the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing, 2007
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- S.A. Aly, M. Grassl, A. Klappenecker, M. Rötteler, and P.K. Sarvepalli
Quantum Convolutional BCH Codes
In: 10th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, June
6-8th, Edmonton, Canada, 2007
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- A. Klappenecker and P.K. Sarvepalli
On Subsystem Codes beating the quantum Hamming or
Singleton Bound
Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 463, pages 2887-2905, 2007
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- S.A. Aly, A. Klappenecker, and P.K. Sarvepalli
Quantum Convolutional Codes derived from Generalized Reed-Solomon codes
In: Proc. 2007 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information
Theory, 24-29th June, Nice, France, 2007
- S.A. Aly, A. Klappenecker, and P.K. Sarvepalli
Duadic group algebra codes
In: Proc. 2007 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory, 24-29th June,
Nice, France, 2007
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- P.K. Sarvepalli, S.A. Aly, and A. Klappenecker
Nonbinary Stabilizer Codes
In: "The Mathematics of Quantum Computation and Quantum Technology",
G. Chen, L. Kauffman, and S. Lomonaco (eds.), 2007
- S.A. Aly, A. Klappenecker, P.K. Sarvepalli
On Quantum and Classical BCH Codes
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, March 2007
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- S.A. Aly, V. Kapoor, J. Meng, and A. Klappenecker
Bounds on the network coding capacity for wireless random networks
NetCod'07, 2007
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- S.A. Aly, A. Klappenecker, and P.K. Sarvepalli
Subsystem codes
44th Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, 2006
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