689-604: Special topics in Speech and Face Recognition
Spring 2007
Instructor: Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna
Office: 520A HRBB
Phone: 979.845.2942
Email: rgutier[at]cs.tamu.edu
Course Description: The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of speech and face recognition through selected readings from the literature. The contents of the course are broad and cross-disciplinary, and will include:
Course organization: The course will be organized as a seminar, in which students prepare written critiques and oral presentations of selected papers, and also work in a semester-long open-ended project. Grading will be weighted as follows:
Required background: Students are expected to have background in signals and systems, linear algebra, and probability theory. Knowledge of signal processing and pattern recognition is helpful but not required. Please contact Dr. Gutierrez if you are interested in the course but are unsure you meet these requirements.
Reading and presentation schedule (Tentative)