
Assignment 0 (Part 2) - 3D Printing

Due date TBD. You must work individually.


In this assignment, you will be using a 3D printer to fabricate a 3D object. You must print one of the following (your choice):

  1. Your mesh from A2 (OpenSCAD)
  2. Your mesh from A3 (3D Scanning)
  3. Another object you create
    • You may not simply download an object to print
    • You may modify/tweak/augment your design from A2 or A3
    • You may start with a downloaded object, but you must modify the mesh in some non-trivial way
    • Please ask if you're not sure!

Please pay attention to the amount of material used! Your printed model should not take much more than a couple hundred grams.

Please document all the steps involved. See below for details.


What to hand in

The report should include the following:

For this assignment, please only submit the PDF file. It should be named NETID.pdf (your email ID; e.g., sueda.pdf).

Generated on Sat Sep 30 17:23:04 CDT 2017