FACS with Blendshapes

Made by: Sibo Min

Instructor: Shinjiro Sueda

CSCE 489 Computer Animation

- Overall Idea -

The overall idea of my final project is to create a Facial Action Coding System on the base of the article created by Bryn Farnsworth. There are total of seven emotions included in the FACS I created including happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, and contempt. These emotions will be presented using combinations of multiple facial movements including the movements of lips, cheek, brows, jaw, and nose.

- Features -

Press '1': happiness
Press '2': sadness
Press '3': surprise
Press '4': anger
Press '5': fear
Press '6': contempt
Press '7': disgust
Press '8': two random emotions combined

- Main Technique -

Blendshape Animation

- Future Improvement -

I would like to make the current program into a small game which the user matches the expression with proper emotions. In order to achieve this, following aspects need to be implemented:
-UI elements
-Blendshapes on GPU

- Reference -

FACS - A Visual Guidebook:

Assignment 3 from Computer Animation, TAMU CSCE-489:

Head Model from: