Dynamic NavMesh - By Michael Hu


A program that creates a navmesh from polygons, a goal and an target

Made as a final project for CSCE 450: Computer Animation


Dynamically generated navmesh

The navmesh is created by first creating nodes from the start and the end, along with polygons that the user generates. Initially, the program starts out with an empty field with the agent and its target. The agent will initally have a path straight towards its destination, but by pressing the 'h' key you can shift where the agent is currently in the world. The 't' key will adjust the goal node, and the 's' key allows you to add additional shapes to the field. Pressing space starts the pathfinding.


While this does attempt to try and navigate towards the target, the A star implementation is slightly problematic as the heuristic used incentivizes a depth first search rather than a modified BFS. However, it is still able to path towards the goal in an albeit inefficient manner.
