Project Video

December 13, 2022

This project was a simple particle based physics simulation to show off the effects of a supernova. I will say, I underestimated how much astrophysics research would go into this thing! I assumed that a Supernova was just a pretty explosion, but the fact that there are different types of stars (and different types of supernovae, which I did not even get to in the video) blew me away. Haha. Supernova joke.

At first, I thought I was going to run out of time and not finish, but I’m pleasantly surprised at what I accomplished with the time allotted. I took an already existing celestial body simulation for class, but I had to rescale the units into something more understandable to a human’s perspective. The only thing different is the scale between the sun and the planets; the orbital radiuses are exactly what they are in the real Tau Ceti system! Give or take a few percent because of elliptical orbits and the fact the planets are a bit fatter to make them easier to see.



December 13, 2022

Code Assistance:
OpenGL Libararies for C++ (GLM/GLFW)
Shinjiro Sueda

Informational Sources:
NASA (free trial :P)

Image Sources:
New Scientist
Getty Images

Website Template by w3schools

Jack Morey (pictured above)

Texas A&M Class of 2023. Computer nerd with a passion for cybersecurity.