In this lab, we will be computing the intersection of rays with infinite planes, spheres, and ellipsoids.
Please download the code for the lab and go
over the code. You will only be editing the mouse callback function in
in this lab. In this callback function, you will
be updating the ray
and hits
is an array of 2 vec3
objects. The
first element is the ray origin, and the second element is the ray
direction. Initially, ray[0] = (0,0,5)
, and
ray[1] = (0,0,-1)
is a vector of Hit
objects. We will
be storing the position and normal of the hits in these objects.In the render()
function, these global variables are
drawn using old-school OpenGL: glBegin()
. Look at the shaders used to draw these things:
and simple_frag.glsl
. I am
using the GLSL keywords gl_Vertex
to refer to the vertex
positions passed in with the C++ function glVertex3fv()
and gl_Color
to refer to the vertex color passed in with
the C++ function glColor3f()
. GLSL provides other keywords
to refer to data passed through old-school OpenGL functions.
The z
key toggles the wireframe mode, which will be
useful for debugging.
The first task is to update the ray whenever the mouse is clicked. This will be used only for visual debugging of the intersection functions that you are going implement in later tasks. The actual ray tracer does not use OpenGL, so the code you write in this task will not be needed in the ray tracer.
We want to store the ray origin in ray[0]
and the ray
direction in ray[1]
. (We will be using the world coordinate
system throughout this lab.) The projection, view, and camera matrices
, V
, and C
, respectively) are
already computed for you in the previous lines.
Using the camera matrix, the position of the camera in world coords,
which we denote \(\vec{c}_w\), is
straightforward to obtain: it is simply the last column of the camera
matrix. Store this in ray[0]
To get the ray direction, we need to go through the following series of transformations: pixel coords → normalized device coords → clip coords → eye coords → world coords. This is the reverse of the standard transformation for drawing things on the screen, and is described very nicely at
After all of these steps, we have \(\vec{p}_w\), a point whose
position falls under the mouse in world coordinates. Note,
however, that there are infinitely many such positions in 3D. What we’re
interested in is the ray direction, so we subtract the camera position
from this and normalize: \[
\hat{v}_w = \frac{\vec{p}_w - \vec{c}_w}{\| \vec{p}_w - \vec{c}_w \|}.
\] Store this in ray[1]
. Once \(\vec{p}_w\) and \(\hat{v}_w\) are correctly computed and
stored, you should be able to shift-click on the window, rotate the
view, and see the ray in red. In the video below, we are also
visualizing the hit points in green, which will be implemented in the
next tasks.
From this point on, we will drop the subscript \(w\) and assume that everything is in world coordinates.
The next task is to compute the ray-plane intersection. We will
assume that the plane is defined by a position \(\vec{c}\) and a normal \(\hat{n}\). For this lab, use the following:
\vec{c} = \begin{pmatrix}0\\0\\-1\end{pmatrix}, \quad \hat{n} =
\] Given the ray defined by \(\vec{p}\) and \(\hat{v}\), the intersection point, \(\vec{x}\), can be computed as: \[
t = \frac{\hat{n} \cdot (\vec{c} - \vec{p})}{\hat{n} \cdot \hat{v}},
\quad \vec{x} = \vec{p} + t \hat{v},
\] where \(t\) is the distance
of the intersection point from the camera. Store \(\vec{x}\) and \(\hat{n}\) into a Hit
and add it to the hits
vector. You should be able to see
the hit point and normal in green.
The next task is to compute the ray-sphere intersection(s). For this task, we will assume that the sphere is centered at the origin and has a unit radius.
First, we compute the discriminant of the quadratic formula using the ray origin and direction (\(\vec{p}\) and \(\hat{v}\)): \[ a = \hat{v} \cdot \hat{v}, \quad b = 2 (\hat{v} \cdot \vec{p}), \quad c = \vec{p} \cdot \vec{p} - 1, \quad d = b^2 - 4ac. \] If \(d < 0\), there are no intersections, if \(d = 0\), there is one intersection, and if \(d > 0\), there are two intersections. Due to floating point error, we can assume that there are either zero or two. If \(d > 0\), then the two hits are at: \[ t = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{d}}{2a}, \quad \vec{x} = \vec{p} + t \hat{v}. \] For a unit sphere at the origin, the normal is the same as the position: \(\hat{n} = \vec{x}\).
Next we are going to scale and translate the sphere. The sphere now
takes two parameters: radius \(r\) and
center \(\vec{c}\). In this lab, these
are stored as global variables sphere_S
(scale and translate).
Like in Task 3, we compute the discriminant of the quadratic formula first: \[ \vec{pc} = \vec{p} - \vec{c}, \quad a = \hat{v} \cdot \hat{v}, \quad b = 2 (\hat{v} \cdot \vec{pc}), \quad c = \vec{pc} \cdot \vec{pc} - r^2, \quad d = b^2 - 4ac. \] As before, there could be \(0\), \(1\), or \(2\) intersections. The normal of the hit point is the normalized vector between the hit point and the center: \[ \hat{n} = \frac{\vec{x} - \vec{c}}{r}. \]
The final task is to transform the sphere into an ellipse. We start
with an untransformed unit sphere from Task 3 (not Task 4), and
then we create an arbitrary ellipsoid by transforming it with
translation, rotation, and scale. In this lab, we use the following
transformation with the matrix stack M
auto M = make_shared<MatrixStack>();
->translate(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
M::vec3 axis = normalize(glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
glm->rotate(1.0f, axis);
M->scale(3.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
M::mat4 E = M->topMatrix(); glm
In other words, the sphere is transformed into the ellipsoid by the
product E=T*R*S
, which has the following numerical
E =
2.0806 -0.3326 0.3195 0.5000
1.9172 0.6935 -0.1663 1.0000
-0.9978 0.6391 0.3468 0
0 0 0 1.0000
In this lab, this matrix is stored as the global variable
. To compute the intersections, we transform the
ray into the local space of the ellipsoid. Using a prime (\('\)) to denote local-space quantities,
we have: \[
\vec{p}' = E^{-1} \vec{p} \quad \text{// use $1$ for homogeneous
\vec{v}' = E^{-1} \hat{v} \quad \text{// use $0$ for homogeneous
\] Once \(\vec{p}'\) and
\(\hat{v}'\) are computed with the
inverse transform, convert them back to vec3
quantities. Then normalize \(\vec{v}'\): \[
\hat{v}' = \frac{\vec{v}'}{\| \vec{v}' \|}.
\] You can then plug them into the sphere intersection code from
Task 3 to compute \(t'\) and \(\vec{x}'\): \[
a = \hat{v}' \cdot \hat{v}', \quad
b = 2 (\hat{v}' \cdot \vec{p}'), \quad
c = \vec{p}' \cdot \vec{p}' - 1, \quad
d = b^2 - 4ac, \\
t' = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{d}}{2a}, \quad \vec{x}' = \vec{p}' +
t' \hat{v}'.
\] As before, there could be \(0\), \(1\), or \(2\) intersections. Finally, we transform
the hit position, normal, and distance into world coordinates: \[
\vec{x} = E \vec{x}' \quad \text{// use $1$ for homogeneous coord}
\quad \,\\
\vec{n} = E^{-\top} \vec{n}' \quad \text{// use $0$ for homogeneous
\] Once \(\vec{x}\) and \(\vec{n}\) are transformed, convert them
back to vec3
quantities. Then normalize \(\vec{n}\) and compute \(t\): \[
\hat{n} = \frac{\vec{n}}{\| \vec{n} \|} \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad
\qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \;\\
t = \| \vec{x} - \vec{p} \|. \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad
\quad \; \,
\] The absolute value for computing \(t\) implies that the returned \(t\) is always positive, even if the
ellipsoid is behind the ray. Therefore, once \(t\) is computed, you should check if \(\vec{x}\) is behind the ray: \[
\hat{v} \cdot (\vec{x} - \vec{p}) < 0.
\] If this is true, then set \(t =