Rigid body boxes colliding with the floor and other boxes to create a dominoe toppling
scene. An initial velocity is added to the 'starting' dominoe to start the effect.
Rigid body dynamics.
Rigid body box collision with a ground plane.
Rigid body box collision with other box rigid bodies.
Adjustable camera.
Rigid body fake friction to stop the motion of rigid bodies.
User Controls:
MouseClickDrag : Rotate Camera
MouseClickDrag + ctrl : Zoom Camera
MouseClickDrag + shift : Move Camera
' ' : begin simulation
'p' : initialize starting velocity of the starting dominoes
'r' : fully resets the scene and all rigid bodies to their starting frame and velocity
The friction fully stops every rigid body.
The timestep is 1e-2, causing it to simulate faster at the expense of the dominoes going into the floor.
You must press space and then 'p' to begin the simulation with the dominoes falling
A line of dominoes, showing some going slightly beneath the floor.
Shinjiro Sueda - Created most of the back end code for the main cloth system, and he provided all used information on rigid body dynamics and fake friction.
Bugs / Unfinished Areas of this Project
Boxes do not stop if they are at an angle touching other boxes due to how the implemented friction works, but the do stop eventually (completely on the floor).
Unmoving boxes are still simulated and their new information is still calculated, thus less optimized but can still run the face simulation at a decent performance level.