Breaking Bridge

Created by Andrew Wang

Mass-Spring Physics System


Using the Cloth Simulation from Lab 13 and Equations for Springs, I converted it from 3D to 2D and build the bridge beams. Each beam is a "Spring" with K as 1e9.


To prevent the bridge from excessively shaking back and forth. I added dampening so it would not move as much.


Using the equation: Strain = (l - L) / L, I could use that to color the beam to determine if it was expanding or compressing.


Using the strain equation on the left, at a certain point of expanding or compressing (Strain greater than 0.1 or less than -0.1). I would break the beam.

Video and Code Source

You can find the source at my BitBucket
The library I used was Eigen.


File Icons

Initial State

This is the bridge at the start of the program (t = 0).

File Icons

No External Force State

This is the bridge as time is on with no forces on the bridge besides the weight of each Beam.

File Icons


This is the bridge with a huge force of pressed on it at a certain point.

File Icons


With excessive force placed on the bridge, it will break and look similar to this.