Evil Bunnies and Cubes


Thomas Nguyen


This game is a first person shooter. Enemies come towards you and you can either avoid them, or shoot them to destroy them. You have have health points that may delete to zero, when this happens the game is over and you lose.


Each cube and bunny is randomly generated and tranformed to a position within a specified range. The camera is locked in a z position and has control of motion in the x and y planes. The beam of light that acts as a bullet is a particle that is shot from the camera's position. Collisions are checked for each cube and bunny against both the camera and the particle. When a collision is detected for the camera, the user loses health points. When a collision is detected between the particle and the cubes or bunnies, they are deleted.

Screen Shots:

During game play.

When the user collides with an enemy.

The user loses the game.


Thank you to Professor Sueda for all you your help and instruction. Credits to Jason Schachter for this html format.