A little info on the game. The user moves left or right. As time goes on the car goes faster and a point modifier increases. When the player hits a car they lost points and the modifier is reset. When they pass a car they gain points. The game runs until the user presses escape. Additionally music plays while the game is running, but it was not picked up by the recorder. The song is embeded below
On the technical side the cars are recycled after they go off screen as are the building sections. There are only 20 building sections at a time and after one is passed it is recylced using a different model and color. There are 100 cars that are randomly replaced in a lane. The color changes as a sin of red, and cos of blue using time as the value. Sound is played using the SDL2 library. Code used from that, Dr. Sueda, and odeBoxBox.
The recording didn't pick up sound, but the video on the right side is the soundtrack that would be playing. Also the video recorder skipped around a lot when recording so it looks laggy but it plays fine.