1. Hit spacebar to shoot a projectile at the tic tac toe board. If the particle collides with a square on the board, then that spot is marked with the color. The direction and power of the particle is based on the height and x position of the moving rectacle along the bottom of the screen.
2. The particle switches color every turn, or when the spacebar is pressed.
3. If the color hits a square with that same color, it resets back to the default color. If the color hits a square with another color, it will change that color to the color of particle.
4. The board is continually rotating, it stops rotating if there are 3 spots in a row with the same color. By then, there is a victor. Press the 'n' key to restart the game.
5. The bunny is the "golden snitch" of the game. If the bunny is hit, then the player who hit the bunny automatically wins.
Implementation notes:
I used the particle class from lab10 and changed the gravity field to change the force of the particle. I also took out the Program class that lab10 originally needed and placed Program class functionality in the main class.
Also, it should be noted that the bunny is actually possible to hit. It justs an average of 3 minutes of consisently aiming for it to hit it. It's not the golden snitch for nothing.