CPE 471 Final Project - Bubble Burst

Patrick Noble

Fall, 2014

Instructor: Shinjiro Sueda


Bubble Bust is a 3D graphics port of the classic puzzle game, Puzzle Bobble, also known as Bust-a-Move. The core gameplay involves firing randomly colored spheres at a decending wall of spheres, attempting to match up colors for points. When more than 1 color is matched, the spheres dissapear. If the decending wall passes a threshold near the bottom of the screen, it is game over and the player has to start over. Bubbles being shot can be bounced off of walls to achieve the correct tragectory to hit hard to reach locations.


Function Key
a: Angle cannon left
d: Angler cannon right
space: Fire new bubble



Base game state                                    Bubble being fired


After the yellow bubble collided                    Game Over!