Matt Mitchell's Final Project - Magic Bunny


For my final project in CPE471, I developed a flying bunny simulator. I created a 3D world populated with various objects where the bunny can fly around in. The bunny sits in front of the camera and translates/rotates along with the camera as the user flies the bunny around the world. I added gravity physics, so the bunny will only stay in the air as long as the user keeps pressing the space bar propel it upwards. The simulation begins with each object colored the same grey color. However, when the bunny collides with an object, both the bunny and the object rendered a random color. As you can see in the image above, the bunny has collided with and colored many objects in the world.

Bunny's Magical Powers:

1. Ability to fly
2. Ability to change colors upon collision


A - rotate left
D - rotate right
W - move forwards
S - move backwars
SPACE - fly upwards

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