This is Spacey Birds!

The goal of this game is to rack up the largest score while dodging the always faster moving asteroids.

You play as a particle in space that is constantly effected by gravity but has the ability to thrust upwards for a short distance resulting in an arc like movement.


Collisions between the asteroid and the particle are simple spehere to sphere collisions and are checked if hte distance between the two is shorter than the sum of the radii. The collisions between the particle and the ceiling/floor are just simple checks to see if the position has risen or dropped too much.

High Score

I couldn't figure out the HUD in time to finish this project so I simply stuck the high score which is calculated as how long one has been alive in the game in the top of the window. The high score only updates at the end of game and is saved until the game is restarted.

Negative Mode

By pressing 'n' you will active negative mode!

Trippy Mode

By pressing 'n' you will active trippy mode!