Hopper CSC 471 Final Project by Daniel Pierson


My project is a game based upon the classic "Frogger", in which the user must direct a frog across a busy highway while avoiding oncoming traffic. In my revision, the frog character is replaced by the bunny that we have come to know and love in CSC471.


The camera for this game is set at a fixed position and presents a view of the entire scene to the player upon starting the game. I downloaded a model for the cars and used the Stanford bunny model provided in class.

All shading is done using the Blinn-Phong shading model, with different colors for each vehicle, appropriate colors for the road and grass, and red for the bunny.

All vehicles begin at a default position on the left when the game is initially launched and immediately begin moving to the right of the map across the road. When a car reaches the end of the road, it is reset to the default position. At each position reset, a new speed is calculated at random for the car to travel at.

Collision detection is handled using a Box-Box implementation, which was ideal for the vehicular car shape and generally accurate enough for the bunny model. When a collision occurs between a car and bunny, the bunny is hidden before being reset to its default position 1.5 seconds later. The bunny is also prevented from leaving the confines of the map.

How to Play

The bunny is controlled using the standard WASD key movements. You must direct the bunny across the road while avoiding oncoming vehicles. Vehicles will approach at different speeds, so timing is everything!

If your bunny gets hit by one of the vehicles, you'll be reset back to the starting position and can try another crossing.

Once you make it to the other side, you can attempt the challenge of returning to the starting position.