Associate Professor
Computer Science
Texas A&M University
Aggie Graphics Group

Peterson 405

Prior to this appointment at Texas A&M University, I enjoyed two years as an assistant professor at California Polytechnic State University. Before that, I was a post-doctoral fellow at Disney Research Boston and the MIT Computational Design and Fabrication Group. I received my Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. My main research area is computer graphics, specializing in physically based modeling, biomechanical simulation, and computational fabrication. I am a recipient of an NSF CAREER award.


Texas A&M University California Polytechnic State University
  • CSC 102 - Fundamentals of Computer Science II: 2015S
  • CSC 471 - Introduction to Computer Graphics: 2014F, 2016S
  • CSC 474 - Computer Animation: 2015W, 2016W
  • CSC 500 - Physically Based Animation: 2016S


Bethany Witemeyer
Ph.D. Candidate

Sueray Wang
Ph.D. Student

Ziyan Xiong
Ph.D. Student

Ryan Zesch
Ph.D. Student

Minseo Park
M.S. Student

James Fontenot
B.S. Student

Andrew Leach
B.S. Student

Ying Wang
Ph.D. (2022)

Nicholas Weidner
Ph.D. (2022)

Prashant Sachdeva
Ph.D. (2019)
Co-advisor: Dinesh Pai, UBC

Vismay Modi
Ph.D. Visitor (2018)
Co-advisor: David Levin, Toronto

Shaheen Ebrahimi
M.S. (2024)

Margaret Baxter
M.S. (2019)

Yura Hwang
M.S. (2019)

Kyle Piddington
M.S. (2017)
Co-advisor: Zoƫ Wood, CalPoly

Estella Chen
B.S. (2024)

Nikki Rad
B.S. (2024)

Griffith Thomas
B.S. (2024)

Kyne Sun
B.S. (2023)

Ahsan Yahya
B.S. (2023)

Alexander Hall
B.S. (2022)

Rebecca McFadden
B.S. (2022)

Michael Stewart
B.S. (2022)

Oliver Raney
B.S. (2021)

Hayoung Jeon
B.S. (2020)

Kevin Jiang
B.S. (2020)

Feras Khemakhem
B.S. (2020)

Rukai Zhao
B.S. (2019)

Steven Leal
B.S. (2018)

Gustavo Lopez
B.S. (2018)

Seung Heon Sheen
B.S. (2018)

Troy Edwards
B.S. (2017)



Associate Editor Program Chair
  • Motion, Interaction & Games: 2020
  • Shape Modeling International - Fabrication and Sculpting Event: 2020
Area Chair
  • International Symposium on Visual Computing: 2019
Posters Chair
  • Symposium on Computer Animation: 2015
Program Committee Others
  • SIGGRAPH Asia Courses: 2025
  • Eurographics State of the Art Report: 2015


My wife is an associate professor of English at Baylor University, where she specializes in seventeenth-century British literature. We live in Waco with our two kids and a Labrador retriever named Milton.