Data Visualization Assignments

All reports turned in on paper are to be printed on a word processor
or typed (no handwritten assignments will be accepted).  All writing
should be the work of the student -- any text taken from other sources
needs to be quoted and referenced.  It is expected that students will
correct grammar and spelling -- these are grounds to deduct from your
grade. (i.e. Use a spelling checker and reread what you write before
turning it in.)

Assignment 1:

Due by end of day on Aug. 31

1. Create a personal web page for this class. It will be where you place links to other writings/work you do during the semester. On this page you need to include your name, a photo of yourself, and a brief statement on why you are in this class.

Also identify (link to) one data visualization that you find particularly helpful/insightful and explain why you think this is so.

Finally, identify (link to) one data visualization that you find is particularly bad/unhelpful in some way. Explain why it is lacking -- maybe it encourages a misunderstanding of the data, is hard to understand, or has serious graphical design flaws.

What to turn in: submit the URL to your class web page. I do not want a link to your main web page as you will be adding links and/or content to this page for upcoming assignments.

Remember to make sure your website is publicly accessible (e.g. in particular, be sure access does not require logging in for Google Sites.)