See the class homepage for more information on
the class.
See the discussant list to see the schedule
of presentations about the readings.
Approximate Schedule (Subject to Change)
class 1: (Aug. 25)
Class Overview, Introductions, Discussion of Basic Issues,
Methods, and Technology (slides for the day)
class 2: (Aug. 30)
CSCW History: Communication and Coordination
class 3: (Sept. 1)
CSCW Issues and Challenges
Groupware: Some Issues and Experiences,
Ellis, C.A., Gibbs, S.J., Rein, G.L. In Communications of the ACM 34 (1), pp. 38-58. 1991.
Groupware and social dynamics: eight challenges for developers ,
Grudin, J. In Communications of the ACM 37 (1), pp. 92-105. 1994.
class 4: (Sept. 6)
Providing Artifact Awareness to a Distributed Group
through Screen Sharing, Tee, K. et al., In Proceedings of CSCW 2006, pp. 99-108.
Beyond 'yesterday's tomorrow': towards the design of awareness technologies for the contemporary worker, Weise, J., et al, In MobileHCI '11: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, August 2011, pp. 455–464.
class 5: (Sept. 8)
Project Discussion Day (slides for the day)
class 6: (Sept. 13)
Group Decisions through Voting
class 7: (Sept. 15)
Project Reports
Phase I (Topic, Cognitive & Social Issues, Approach)
class 8: (Sept. 20)
Online Balkanization
class 9: (Sept. 22)
The story of a working workflow management system, Steen Brahe and Kyeld Schmidt, Proceedings of the 2007 international ACM conference on Supporting group work, 2007, pp. 249-258.
In-Class Project Activity: Attention, Communication, Coordination
class 10: (Sept. 27)
Photo and VideoSharing
class 11: (Sept. 29)
Meeting Capture
class 12: (Oct. 4)
Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Research:
Implications of Uncertainty, Edith Law et al., from Proceedings of ACM
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2017, pp. 1544-1561.
CrowdIA: Solving Mysteries with Crowdsourced Sensemaking, Tianyi Li et al., from Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 2, Issue CSCW, November 2018, Article No.: 105, pp 1–29.
class 13: (Oct. 6)
Project Reports Phase II (Design & Rationale)
class 14: (Oct. 13)
Data Quality and Crowdsourcing (slides for the day)
The shape of and solutions to the MTurk quality crisis, Ryan Kennedy et al., Political Science Research and Methods, 2020, 8, pp. 614-629.
Quality Control in Crowdsourcing based on Fine-Grained Behavioral Features, Weiping Pet et al., Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 5, Issue CSCW2, October 2021, Article No.: 442, pp 1–28.
class 15: (Oct. 18)
Online Communities
Managing the Virtual Commons:
Cooperation and Conflict in Computer Communities, Peter Kollock and Marc Smith,
in Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Susan Herring. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1996, pp. 109-128.
Knowledge Collaboration in Online Communities, Samer Faraj, et al., Organization Science, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2011, pp. 1224-1239.
class 16: (Oct. 20)
Virtual Teams
Games for virtual team building, Jason Ellis et al., Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Designing interactive systems, 2008, pp. 295-304.
In Class Project Activity: Tasks and Team
class 17: (Oct. 25)
Social Network Use
class 18: (Oct. 27)
Artifact-Centered Communication (slides for the day)
class 19: (Nov. 1)
User History (slides for the day)
class 20: (Nov. 3)
Project Reports Phase III (Initial Implementation)
class 21: (Nov. 8)
Collaborative Search
class 22: (Nov. 10)
Learning to Act
class 23: (Nov. 15)
Online Gaming (slides for the day)
class 24: (Nov. 17)
In-Class Project Day (Evaluation) (slides for the day)
class 25: (Nov. 22)
Project Work Day
class 26: (Nov. 29)
Supporting Software Teams (slides for the day)
class 27: (Dec. 1)
Project Reports, Final (Presentation and Demonstration)
- Aiders / TAMU FAQTS
- Athenians / Plato's Democracy
- Engineering Dogs / Project Management for Small Teams
- Grinding / Movie Rating, Recommending, and Voting
class 28: (Dec. 6)
Project Reports, Final (Presentation and Demonstration)
- Collab-Ags / Watch-With-Ags, Collaborative Watch Party
- CSCWars / Query-Search Collaborator, Organization-Based Queries
- The Kangaroos / Collaborative To-Do List