Class Schedule

See the class homepage for more information on the class.

Approximate Schedule (Subject to Change)

class 1: (Jan. 21) Syllabus, Introductions, CHI Overview, Projects Overview

class 2: (Jan. 23) CHI Basics

class 3: (Jan. 26) CHI History

class 4: (Jan. 28) CHI Goals, Questions

class 5: (Jan. 30) Project Discussions

  • Short assignment 1 due

class 6: (Feb. 2) CHI Metrics and Inspection

class 7: (Feb. 4) Observational Methods

class 8: (Feb. 6) Data Interpreation Examples

class 9: (Feb. 9) Project Reports

  • Phase I (Topic, Who are the Users, Cognitive and Social Issues, Tasks per Team Member)

class 10: (Feb. 11) Conceptual Models

class 11: (Feb. 13) User Models

class 12: (Feb. 16) Project Work Day

class 13: (Feb. 18) Task Models

class 14: (Feb. 20) Input Devices

class 15: (Feb. 23) Accessibility and Interface Design

class 16: (Feb. 25) Health and Interfaces

class 17: (Feb. 27) Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

class 18: (March 2) Social Media

class 19: (March 4) Crowdsourcing

class 20: (March 6) Information Visualization

class 21: (March 9) Project Reports

  • Phase II (Design, Rationale, Tasks per team member)

class 22: (March 11) Augmented Reality and Smell

class 23: (March 13) Mobile Interfaces

class 24: (March 23) Project Work Day

class 25: (March 25) Project Work Day

class 26: (March 27) Project Work Day

class 27: (March 30) Wearable Computing Interfaces

class 28: (April 1) Tangible Interfaces

class 29: (April 6) Project Work Day

class 30: (April 8) Project Reports

  • Phase III (Interface Snapshots, Current Development Status)

class 31: (April 10) Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing

class 32: (April 13) Human-Robot Interaction

class 33: (April 15) Sketching

class 34: (April 17) Multi-touch Interfaces

class 35: (April 20) Gesture-based Interaction

class 36: (April 22) Project Work Day

class 37: (April 24) Evaluation Methods (Day 1)

class 38: (April 27) Evaluation Methods (Day 2)

class 39: (April 29) Video Interfaces

class 40: (May 1) Data Analysis Interfaces

class 41: (May 4) Project Reports, Final (Presentation and Demonstration)

class 42: (May 5) Project Reports, Final (Presentation and Demonstration)