Hypertext (CPSC 610) Class Schedule and Reading List

See the class homepage for more information on the class.

See the discussant list (to appear) to see the schedule of presentations about the readings.

Approximate Schedule (Subject to Change)

Class 1: (Jan. 16) Class 2: (Jan. 18) Early Hypertext Class 3: (Jan. 23) Early Hypertext Class 4: (Jan. 25) The 80s Class 5:(Jan. 30) The 80s Class 6: (Feb. 1) Hypertext Models Class 7: (Feb. 6) Hypertext Models Class 8: (Feb. 8) Alternative Models of Hypertext Class 9: (Feb. 13) Project Presentations Class 10: (Feb. 15) Spatial Hypertext Class 11: (Feb. 20) Spatial Hypertext Class 12: (Feb. 22) Trails Class 13: (Feb. 27) Time in Hypertext Class 14: (March 1) Exam I Class 15: (March 6) Time in Hypertext Class 16: (March 8) Guest Lecture Class 17: (March 20) Search, Dynamic Hypertext Class 18: (March 22) Patterns and Adaptivity Class 19: (March 27) Project Presentations Class 20: (March 29) Guest Lecture Class 21: (April 3) The Semantic Web Class 22: (April 5) Missed Day Class 23: (April 10) Web 2.0, Open Issues for Hypertext Class 24: (April 12) Writing and Reading Hypertext Class 25: (April 17) Writing and Reading Hypertext Class 26: (April 19) Class 27: (April 24) Class 28: (April 26)