phase 1: Topic Selection (due Feb. 1)
Identify a project topic. If appropriate, this should include
initial ideas about
tasks and a (possibly hypothetical) set of users that
you would use your results.
What you turn in: 1/2 page to one page description of type of technology or practice you wish to investigate and some brief comments about potential tasks and users. (if appropriate)
phase 2: Task Analysis (due Feb. 13)
Determine what is difficult (and easy) about the current task and how
it can be supported.
What you turn in: 2 to 3 page description of the task being supported or investigated and how users currently perform this task. This should include some indication of how a system might augment current work practices.
phase 3: Initial Design Phase (due March 6)
Specify system/evaluation design goals and create an initial conceptual design.
What you turn in: 4 to 6 page description that includes the components of the Phase 2 report and the system/evaluation goals and conceptual design. This should include diagrams/drawings of the interface or interactions between system components and users.
phase 4: Prototype Implementation (due March 27)
Create a working prototype of your system/application or perform part of study.
What you turn in: 5 to 10 page description that includes the components of the Phase 3 report and the implemented system or performed evaluation, including screen dumps of intended/observed interaction by a user to perform their task.
phase 5: Final Report and Presentation (due April 26)
Write a report describing the users, their tasks, your technological
solution to supporting them (including design and prototype
implementation), and how the system is expected to be used. (Most of
this material can come from previous reports.) Also include an
empirical or observational study of how you would evaluate your
system's success in meeting its goals of supporting users.
What you turn in: 8 to 12 pages in conference format.
Important Note:
All reports are to be formatted in ACM Conference
format. It is expected that students will use correct grammar and
spelling -- these are grounds to deduct from your grade. (i.e. use a
spelling checker and reread what you wrote before turning it in)