CPSC 436 - 500: Computer-Human Interaction

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Student Technical Presentations

This assignment involves locating, reading, summarizing, and presenting a paper related to a particular area of computer-human interaction.

The topic area for your assignment will vary based on the theme of the day that you sign up to present.

How to locate a paper:
Look at ACM digital library, Google Scholar, etc. for papers related to the general theme of the day. Feel free to pick somethat that you have experience with (e.g. related to YouTube for multimedia) or something you find interesting (e.g. music composition interface if you are so inclined).

What to author, turn in, and present?
You are to create and turn in two items.
1. A one page summary of the paper.
2. A slide presentation summarizing the paper that you will use in class in 5 minutes.

Be careful to either properly cite/acknowledge the sources of your content or rewrite content in your own words as the paper and slides will be made available to the rest of the class via the web site.

How to turn them in? Email the paper (preferably as pdf but can check with me if another format is okay) and slides (ppt, pdf, etc.) to me at shipman@cse.tamu.edu by the day of your presentation in class.