CPSC 436 - 500: Computer-Human Interaction
Course Homepage
Project Progress Reports
This deadline consists of two parts:
- A written report that includes the information described below.
- Give a short presentation in the class
Details regarding both these requirements are given below:
Written report
- 1 to 2 pages (11 or 12 point, single spaced)
- The project report should be typed on a work processor and
checked for spelling and grammar. No handwritten reports will be
- Identify the
- A description of the task and user population that your solution will help
- Cognitive and social issues that your project will address
- A brief preview of your proposed approach
- Identify the team members and briefly describe the role that each will play in the project
- duration of 5 minutes or less
- no more than 3 slides
- presentation should clearly convey your ideas to the class
- The presentation should inform the audience about
- the conecpt of your project
- your solution
- the target population